Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Selling things


Loyal Servant of Altera

If you need something and it isn't listed, feel free to make a request!

Baked potatoes
Sugar cane
Potion of strength (3)
Potion of Fire resist (2)
Sharpness 1 (2)
Aqua Affinity 1 (2)
Redstone blocks (20)
Lapis blocks (9)
Pumpkin pie
Ender Pearl (1)
Every color wool (Stock varies)
Nether Rack
Snow blocks
Quartz (8 blocks)
Seeds (pumpkin, melon, wheat)

Price: Negotiable
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Dead Man Walking
If you really want to make money off of selling stuff: might I suggest focusing on collecting rarities like enchanted items or books. Good enchanted books sell like hotcakes(Don't put enchanted books or potions on the AH, they will lose their enchantments, only sell that stuff in this forum). And if you wanted to sell common items like dirt or nether rack be sure to list the amount that you have for sale, if anyone is going to buy it they will want it in bulk, like, 800 blocks bulk(But having a lot of them does not mean someone will want them more), so be sure to list the amount that you have for sale.

As far as carrots, cake, and wheat: I'm not entirely sure, but I do believe that you can sell them to a vendor in the Sorrows Town. So if you were to sell those items here in the forum the price you would get for them would have to be lower than the buy cost for them at the vendor.

Best of luck!


Loyal Servant of Altera
Thank you for the tips, and I don't know.... How much should I sell it for? 200? O.O

Sigurd Selmon

Lord of Altera
I've no idea on the average cost of Quatz! What ever you'd be willing to sell them for [Though, I'd need time to vote and stuffs, if it's a lot]