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Server Died :-(

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Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
Lets just hope a shoe did not accidentally hit the machine causing fatal problems, I hear shoes now-a-days are made from lethal compounds (Legion's doing?? who knows) :(


Get well soon and I hope you can make a full recovery Hollowworld server and thanks for the people nursing it gently back to health. :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
Thank God almighty I have found this thread! I was about to think that updating Minecraft broke it even more then it was already broken (some of you might be aware of the "issues" i had lately with laziness of Mojang, Minecraft etc) and was about to rage and never return to it again >.>


The Arbiter of the Gods
Well... All there is now to do is wait while the admins fix the server TF2 engy style (wrench whacking!) and stay on forums trying my hardest to spam them out :p
Joking by the way... I have better things to do then spam out HW... I can spam out black mesa source forums instead :D


Lord of Altera
So, when the server said connection refused when I tried to log in, its that the holloworld god where fixing it, not me being hit on the head with the ban hammer? :D Awesome! Thanks admin team lol.


The Arbiter of the Gods
"And then the Hollowworld God looked upon the server and said "There shan't be no glitches in thy lands of Altera. And it is therefore my duty to destroy them at their very roots!" After which He used thunders and engy's pipe wrench to fix, what fixing required. The Hollowworld community was united as ever and the God smiled before deciding it was his time to get back to work." -Alterian Genesis 3:1



The Arbiter of the Gods
To be honest I think I should change the name of Genesis to Genesis 1:2:4 because that's the current Minecraft version :D


The Arbiter of the Gods
If you mean then no... Maybe... Just maybe... Maybe all servers worldwide have now exploded! Forcing everyone to buy new ones! :O
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