Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Server update #1 Bookworm.

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Greetings citizens of Altera,

We are now using a plugin called bookworm.

This plugin uses the /bookworm command, but it has the /bw /write and /w commands as aliases. The in-game help is designed to be, well, helpful. Using the command without any arguments will give you context-sensitive help.

To start writing a book, you hold a book in your hand and type /write <title>. You can then use /write <text> to add text to your book. If chat mode is enabled, you can also just chat without using the command to write into the book, as long as you're holding the book. You can use a double-colon :: to create a paragraph. As you write, the plugin will break your text into pages for you.

You can place a book in a bookshelf by left-clicking on the bookshelf with your book in hand. You can get a copy of a book from a bookshelf with left-click, and you can remove a book from a bookshelf with shift-left-click.

You can read a book by holding it and right-clicking the air. You can read a book in a bookshelf by right-clicking the bookshelf.
Can you watch this video for a more detailed explanation.

EDIT: After investigions it was found out the appleseed plugin was causing unnecessary strain on server capacity. We took it off.
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