Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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ShadowRunner18's Application





Western Australia

I have read the Tome of Citizenship and agree with it.

I absolutely love Roleplay and love the whole aspect of medieval or futuristic Roleplay and I think Minecraft would portrait a medieval Roleplay very well. I have had quite a bit of experience in Roleplaying servers/games and would love to become a part of this community.

Hi everyone my name in real life is Austin, I live in Western Australia and have loved role playing for a couple years now. My interest to roleplay started about 3 years back when I first played TES 4 Oblivion as soon as I stepped out of that prison at the start of the game I fell in love with the thought of medieval quests, ancient lore and having the freedom to do whatever the heck you want! From completing the main story line in less then a day to using the console to give my self the ability to run on water at the speed of a blue hedgehog I just loved it. But as soon as I hear about TES 5 Skyrim, Sweet mother of pancakes I instantly researched as much as I could to find out anything about the game. When it came out in stores I got it as soon as I could and played it for hours on end. Anyway I will tell you a little more about myself. I am a Traceur (Person who does Parkour) and have been for about 8 months now, I have a dog named Dash, I only wear jeans for some retarded reason, I hate fruit and have ever since I was a little babby and well thats pretty much all about me.

I do not have any current videos or photos of my work in roleplay at the moment.
I don't have anything else to really tell you after all I am only 13 and havent had the biggest life in the world.

Thanks guys hope I get accepted!