Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Legend of Altera
She/Her, They/Them

{Introduction Section}

Minecraft Username: sincerely_T

Age: 20

Country & Timezone: Canada - EST

Read the Kings Law, Code of Conducts, Official Lore, and the Player Guides?: Yes

Define Metagaming & Powergaming?: Metagaming is often defined as the act of taking out of character knowledge or knowledge gained out of character and using it to one's benefit in character. It is knowledge that the character wouldn't reasonably know, take a illiterate farmer's child suddenly knowing the deep lore of magic because it is useful to the player. Powergaming is another instance of taking the game and warping it to the player's/ their character's benefit. Powergaming includes taking control of the actions of another's character oftentimes in a fight or a situation unbeneficial to the powergamer. Or the powergamer will pull a "mary-sue" or "main character syndrome" and act as though they have access to rule bending magics that they quite simply do not.

Do we allow Xray mods or X-Ray texture packs?: No

Tell us about yourself!: Hello! I'm a history student with a concentration in public history and a minor in medieval and early modern studies. I take special interest into the lives of women, politics and labour laws during those years. I've been roleplaying since I was 10 through online forums and social media and I've been an avid D&D player for the last 4-5 years. I'm a big fan of the cookie clicker game, it's good fun to leave on in the background highly recommend a good click of the cookies. I have the habit of speaking or well typing rather formally than rather informally very quickly my vocabulary is constantly changing.

Referral: Found it through google years ago and decided to finally apply lol


{Character Section}

Character Name: Morana

Age: 24

Race: Human - Kaltic

Appearance: Her hair is thick and dark, the colour like the bark of a pine tree or a burning log. It is unkempt and pulled messily into half of a braid down her back. Her skin has just enough colour to not be snow white but it is certainly close. Her eyes are a deep blue almost indigo colour, they are the colour of the night sky in the dead of winter. She looms over others at 6'1", and the bulk of her weight is muscles with a warm covering of fat for the cold nights. Morana clothes herself in muted tones, blues, greys and browns. She wears a quilted blue gambeson made for her by her late mother and a soft grey tunic with a high neck, and deep blue breeches. Her boots and cloak are lined with the pelts of animals she hunted.

(Optional) Picture of the Skin: Attach on the thread

Written Test (Min: 400 words): The winds screamed and cried with her when Morana came into this world. She was a fussy babe always screaming and crying at seemingly nothing. Her parents, undoubtedly unreligious did not pray for her to stop her tears, but it was a near things. Walking and words took the place of her anguished tears. As she grew taller and wider, her feelings began to mellow out. The first few years of her life had her raging like a blizzard over a frozen lake, but then came the calm, the silence. Morana with age became a quiet and obedient child, quick to listen to the instructions of her parents. Her father taught her how to notch an arrow and tie a trap, and her mother taught her the different between stitching a wound versus a shirt. Morana struggled at the tasks given to her by her mother, her hands felt too big and ungainly to get the stitch straight. She was frequently jealous of those who could knit warm socks by the fire or darn holes in the early hours. The only time her hands remained steady was when they curled around a bow, or when covered in blood skinning whatever catch she could find. It was the summer of her fifteenth year that Morana's mother died. As far up north as they were, the ice was still bound to melt, ever slightly. But just enough that when her mother when to grab a child from the village who had run off she fell straight through the ice. Everything had happened so fast that she slipped away deep into the freezing waters. It was shortly after this tragedy that her father began to travel. He'd be gone for months at a time, leaving Morana to fend for herself. In his months away he would working whatever way he could, selling goods or services, hunting, building. Half of what he made he would send back to Morana, who would dutifully hide it away. On her sixteenth name day she hunted and butchered a white stag, she had intended to kill a bear but that would not happen for many more months. Her father had not been there to celebrate her success, her coming of age was spent with the elders of her village. Who though kind and wise, were not her family. At seventeen her father brought a back a wife, young and pretty merely a year older than Morana. A fact she would hold against him so long as she had breath in her lungs. His new wife was not so bad, she brought money into the marriage, she helped improve Morana's reading and writing. And most of all she introduced Morana to religion, to the Grey Lady.



Lord of Altera


I'm pleased to announce your application has been approved. I hope you enjoy your stay in Altera. Before logging on make sure you read the Survival Guide. It will help you on your way to get established in our World. If you need to know any additional information, everything can be found in our King's Law. Make sure you consult either of these two before asking a question in-game or on discord.

+You are probably eager to jump into the game, so there is no need to read all the links. Just use these as a reference for later.+

Survival Guide - Read this to help when you login!
The King's Law
How to Create a Character
The Official Lore
Town Census
HollowCrafting - Our Custom Crafting Plugin!
Plugins Command Guide
Donate to the Server!

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