Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sir Maxwell Sturm, Knight of the Crown- an RP bio.


Name: Maxwell Sturm

Nickname/Alias: Sir Maxwell Sturm, Brightblade

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'3"

Weight: 14 st

Hair: Brown, Long, braided and swept back.

Eyes: Green

Skin: Tan

Identifying Marks: Tattoo of the Lament of The Knight, a bards tale of an ancient knight.

Appearance: Broad shouldered, well muscled. Fit, but prone to bouts of dizziness. hook nosed with a low brow, with a sharp, chiselled jawline. Hoop in one ear.
Strengths: Good swords and bowman. Trained under Fizban the Fabulous architect, and also has a base knowledge of shipwrighting.

Attire: Armour of the Knights of Gerr, he still wears to show his undying devotion. a Pendant to Harateth, the knight's god.

Strengths: Swordsman and archer. Architectural prowess noted. Shipwright. Has a strong sense of honour and justice.

Weaknesses and fears: xenophobic; prone to rascist/speciesist views, especially toward elves. Claustrophobic. Lack of any arcane schooling.

Religion and cults: Order of the Knights of Garr (exiled). Worshipper of Harateth.

Profession: Knight (ex), Blade for Hire, Shipwright.

Sir Maxwell Sturm, exiled knight of The Knights of Gerr, has always hoped for a patch of land, and a family to raise. However, in defending Gerr from an Elven army hell-bent on the destruction of the Human king, Maxwell instead turned his hand to the blade, and took up the shield for his king. However as the war wore on, the king suffered bouts of madness. In the last of Maxwell's battles, The king joined the fray in just his nightclothes and was killed instantly in the whirling maelstrom of blades. Maxwell, the ever attendant knight was exiled; the other knights believed he had caused the Kings madness through his attempts of remedy. Exiled, Maxwell joined a dockyard, and was soon off to far and distant lands. However, his boat crashed, and he awoke in a temple of some kind...