Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Sirix Profile


Loyal Servant of Altera
Name: OSirixO
Age: 30-35
Height: 6.1ft
Weight: 92 pounds
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: Brown Beard
Appearance: White/Red/Black Clothings wearing a belt and boots
(Usually well protected with Full Iron or Diamond armor)
Weakness and fears: None
Religion and cults: N/A
Proffesion: Providing the town with enough money and materials (at least a large sum/quantity) required for expansions and public buildings

Who am I and whats my story:

I'm Sirix, son of a Pirate family and raised like one. I've spend many of my early
years on pirate ships, and have witnessed many many naval battles in the past.
After the years passed by I started to realise that being a pirate is a bad thing.
Stealing and robbing possessions of other nations and people, they have worked so hard
for, just didn't feel right.

After many discussions and fights with my parents about this, i decided that once we reached
the shores of Altera, I would abandon ship and was going to make a new and honest start.
Protecting the world, where possible, from everything bad and evil.
After roaming around for a while there could only be one town which was suitable for me.
Warstrom! A strong naval/militairy based town, with the same values as i wanted to live by.
I still wear my old pirate clothings, to not forget my past and where i come from and out of respect
for my parents. Even though they probably despise me for leaving the pirate life, they are still my parents and mean a lot to me.

I got to know the other town members better and better, and aided them during many building
projects they have started, supplying them with all kinds of materials required to get the job
done. The extra materials and minerals are traded with many other players, to raise funds for
our towns, to expand and in a rare occasion buy what i cannot provide myself.

I can be often find mining or hunting in the sorrowlands, keeping my stockpile up to par and fighting the mobs is as a basic training for me, keeping me fit for the great battles
yet to come.


Loyal Servant of Altera
He doesn't eat much apart from bread, that's why. he's also highly dehydrated, like many on minecraft as we seem not to drink much water.