Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Skill] Carving

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HollowWorld's Announcer
Lore Staff
Server Outreach

Hollow Crafting

The general practice of carving materials into products, such as woodworking or stonecutting.


/crafting tool carving

  • Crafting: Fletching table
  • Bowyer | A woodworker that specializes in making bows. Unlocks the production of quality bows.
  • Shipwright | A woodworker that specializes in making ships. Unlocks the production of ships large and small. (Current notion is to make ship builds free/mostly free if there is an accompanying crafted ship item)
  • Siege Engineer | A woodworker that specializes in making siege engines. Unlocks the production of catapults and scorpions.
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HollowWorld's Announcer
Lore Staff
Server Outreach
Carving Crafts
Diving Bell
A heavyweight diving bell made to host a crew into the depths of the seas. It's linked to the ship by chains and a capstan with a hose to filter air in from above water. It has the strength and weight to function as a sinking bell that would support its own pressure without collapse. If sealed and caulked tightly, the bell can be lowered to the water (via winch and crane) without air escaping.

Created by James Varyn TheDeester

Theloan Hornbow
The shape of the bow is long with extreme curves facing away from the wielder on the ends of the staves. The bow is constructed with two tightly woven lengths of wood, making it take on an appearance similar to that of a Unicorn's horn. One half of the Hornbow is a length of Yew that has been infused with Immortal Dust; the other half is the piece of wood that saddles both its own unique properties and channels the increased force created by the other half of the bow.

When finished, the Hornbow adds an additional 130 pounds of force to each arrow that is released from it with only a moderate increase to the actual draw weight on with the string. The arrows are noted to fly swifter than normal contemporary bows. When worked by a master of the craft, the Hornbow can still draw out the supernatural properties of other woods.

Addition to Weapons:
Theloan Bow | 1d3 | AP(1) | Large, Difficult | Long

Created by Jaden Seeker CloakedReaper
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