Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Smite (moba game)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I just got in the Closed beta for the new moba game called Smite, and was wondering if anyone is playing it, or would be interested in playing it. In the few games I've played, I've had a blast, and I think it has a much lower learning curve as of now, since there are fewer champions to learn.

If you don't have any idea of what this game is, incoming totalhalibut!!!!



King ForumStalker
I got the beta ages ago, played it about 3 times then left it. I'd be willing to play again if there were people to play with :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
I got the beta ages ago, played it about 3 times then left it. I'd be willing to play again if there were people to play with :p
I easily found people, but my game kept crashing. I can't even finish a game. Oh well, guess I still have that other moba game :D.