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So let's consider if Altera really was a story.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
I'm bored, want to start writing up some thing I've been not-doing for the past few days, but feel like writing today. And, like, would like something interesting to read up on when done. :p

So, Altera is a story, so the title might be a bit misleading, but I'm not I'm not the only one who can occasionally forget that when RPing or thinking about Altera. I'm curious about people's answers to a question: Seriously sit and think about it in a meta sense, if Altera were a story- or movie, whatever- and your character were a character in it. What would their role in the world be? Not in the sense of are they the male lead or a support role; more in the sense of how they would move the plot forwards. For example, my character.

Nwalme would probably contribute to the plot the most as a counselor and very supportive character. He lacks the heart, and as of late, the ambition to fulfill most of his own big projects. But being an eccentric old man (who might have add, all things considered), has devoted himself to a lot of other people's projects. Occasionally seeing their end. Thus he has a lot of life experience and skills to teach, and does so to almost everyone who asks.

Having wrote out a few sentences to my own question, I'm gonna feel weird when this question inevitably turns out to not be very interesting and no one responds. :p


The Kingdom Crusher
I think me and the Engem would be a massive sort of ominous threat or background force; who'd probably pick up more direct involvement post-Arcturus and only show in cameos or faint mentions before that. The ideas of a Tribal movement would probably show their toll eventually; and their involvement in the fall of the Inquisition, being the main unified force against each monarchy, the collapse of Imperial Arcturus and old Senatoor and their direct assistance against Harateth; as well the immense cultural ties they have with Earthspawn (helped rebuild the Earkzian state, and will try again soon [;)]), Dwarves (involved in every Dwarven political crisis since Yearnen originally fell), Forest Elves and Caparii would impact their retrospective cultures. Dav'id'd have been a supportive character during his hey day, and Chalkan'd probably be either an anti-hero or an interpreted villain.


Lord of Altera
I feel like my character is a small section of a catalyst for an incoming subplot, with the whole Heart Prophecy incoming.


Lord of Altera
the Followers of Vermella would be that one curveball that came straight out of nowhere
they're introduced, and then all of a sudden they're everywhere.

and every single plot event has a Follower of Vermella involved somehow. the Followers get this reputation as a really powerful shadowy organization, and the fans start making illuminati jokes and crack theories about such-and-so secretly worshipping Vermella.

I mean.
the Corrupted speech? Salheira interrupts it.
Skraag summoning? wow who's that totally-not-suspicious caparii over there
Robert Senatoor? the catalyst for his death is him killing a Follower.
Morna Rhett broken out of prison? oh, its because she was a follower of Vermella, and so was Duncan.
and thats not even getting into the Heart Prophecy stuff.
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Lord of Altera
Corvus Ventus:

The Sixth Ranger, a character who arrives late in the story, usually a loner who usually fights both the protagonists and antagonists alike until he finds a permanent stay within one of these two groups. Where upon he will act as a addition (usually the sixth) to their group. Their loyalty can never truly be explained at the beginning, only their motives. Eventually they may find the mentor, and they will teach them how to best utilize their skills not only as a force for either side, but as a person able to look towards their motives without constraining themselves to possibly blinding morality such as good or evil. Eventually as the story gets larger with new threats that the protagonists and antagonists venture in strength to combat with, the sixth ranger stays the same. Where as the hero might learn magic and summon gods to fight other gods, the Sixth ranger will all-ways keep their down to earth, stable limits. Often in the latest events in a story, the Sixth ranger is demoted from a minor roll to a extra in the major plot events, though this keeps the story tied to reality by having a believable, "weak" and realistic character.

(Yes I did copy this from a long time ago, and yes I know it doesn't relate to this server all to well considering everyone RP's realistic characters. This is just Corvus's usual roll in stories I make through RP.)


Lord of Altera

Probably little little girl that keeps everyone going. She is happy, bubbly, and when someone is at their worst, she would give them a hug. The reason why someone might risk their life- Just a little girl, not a big role in all of Altera- her joy and evilness kindness could really push other's forward. Not a main character, just a little neutral helper.


Lord of Altera
and every single plot event has a Follower of Vermella involved somehow. the Followers get this reputation as a really powerful shadowy organization, and the fans start making illuminati jokes and crack theories about such-and-so secretly worshipping Vermella.
Are yo joking? The Order is totally the illuminati....

As to follow with that, we'd probably be at first the main or second main bad guys, but as the story goes forward, you/the hero/the reader realises that there is not bad and good guys, only grey zones, by learning more on the Order and the Magisterium, since at the beginning there are only rumors whispered. The story would then erupt into some kind of choice between following the Engem way of life, continue to maintain the current situation or side with the Magisterium and restore holy justice.. ;)


Yū Yi
Amethyst would be that side character there has a high position, but is reaaly weak and her kindness would make up for her weakness as she could gather a lot of strong friends together.
She went from the evil homeless girl to the kind hearted lady Azerwind and even a deal that would make her the kings right hand if arcturus took the throne.

Anna would be that character rambling about what she'll do when she gets stronger, but also that character whos mouth sometimes get people in problems.

Seron is still under work, but she would be the always happy and always up for a dance, character.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Faelin, one who followed the story's twists and turns unwittingly, ultimately going from knowing and feeling too little to learning more than she was able to comprehend.

Evelyn, barely more than an child, whose arranged marriage might have seen a new King and Queen of the Elves had it not dissolved, leaving her hopeless, penniless and nameless in the tapestry of Altera, abandoned to the life of a common harlot.

Arissa, who was another forgotten unfortunate; once a spark for greater fires, but now extinguished.

Freya, the leader of a House, a land and a people. One trying to be true to herself while loyal to those who follow her, one who has done - and will do - all she must to keep them safe.

Safri'kah, who is perhaps one of the few hopeful splashes of colour in the tale, you might say - she at least is happy.
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Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Daeron - The man behind the scenes, pulling the strings will putting on a facade of nothing more than a mere minor lord with a strange personality. Daeron would be everywhere, right under all your noses in his bid for power. Oh and he'd heal people on the side.

Vaeril - The wanderer, left the Northern Kingdoms after the mysterious death of his Queen. A powerful warrior in his own right, yet silent and cut off from the rest of the story line making the most minor of appearances.

Triton - That dead fish you bought from the market the other day.

Thordin - The young warrior of royal descent, yet a bastard so he can make no claim to any lands his father held before him. Very much a comedy relief character while having some impact on the plot of the Dwarves.

Thyia - A freed slave, Thyia is just trying to find her own place to call her own. Eventually, settling with the Engem's but to what end? A kind spirit, friendly to all yet shy and shut out as well.


Lord of Altera
Are yo joking? The Order is totally the illuminati....
the whole joke of the Illuminati is that they're a secret organization, and no one really knows how many members there actually are at any given time. they use a multitude of covert symbols that can be easily inserted into anything to brand it as being involved with the Illuminati. their true movements are never really public knowledge, but their influence shows itself subtly in the actions of the people in power.

your Order has among its members some of the most famous people in Altera (I mean... you have Scardrac), and you all wear really flashy armor with gold and white I mean you look like you follow Harateth. you've got some nice eye/sun symbols going on, but not many other symbols or codewords. and like, you guys are really public.

p. sure the completely secret group with an unknown and scattered number of members and like a bajillion different symbols are the Illuminati :p

you guy's would be the illuminati in that yer goal is to illuminate th world but thats about it


Lord of Altera
the whole joke of the Illuminati is that they're a secret organization, and no one really knows how many members there actually are at any given time. they use a multitude of covert symbols that can be easily inserted into anything to brand it as being involved with the Illuminati. their true movements are never really public knowledge, but their influence shows itself subtly in the actions of the people in power.

your Order has among its members some of the most famous people in Altera (I mean... you have Scardrac), and you all wear really flashy armor with gold and white I mean you look like you follow Harateth. you've got some nice eye/sun symbols going on, but not many other symbols or codewords. and like, you guys are really public.

p. sure the completely secret group with an unknown and scattered number of members and like a bajillion different symbols are the Illuminati :p

you guy's would be the illuminati in that yer goal is to illuminate th world but thats about it

We don't wear our armor in public, for the simple reason that except one or two persons, NONE of us has actually been SEEN or acted in public since the creation of the Order.... I myself didn't RP once with random people since the last three weeks.

Furthermore, most of the said most famous people in Altera (which, by the way, is a requirement and a usual situation in the Illuminatis, you must be rich and famous) didn't openly declare their allegeance. Didn't you read our Thread? I mentionned at least 3 times that the only knowledge you could have are rumors, such as Illuminati-related knowledge in RL.

We do have codewords, Symbols, sentences, books, heck, we're even working on having a language!

And yes, you might think we aren't doing anything right now, but in fact, if you do, it means that we succeeded in our goal to be secret, because we have signed several pacts and made quite a couple of political moves with figures that might or might not be extremely near you, btw. But the key is that you will never know... because those that would see us gone, must first step into the light...


Lord of Altera
We don't wear our armor in public, for the simple reason that except one or two persons, NONE of us has actually been SEEN or acted in public since the creation of the Order.... I myself didn't RP once with random people since the last three weeks.

Furthermore, most of the said most famous people in Altera (which, by the way, is a requirement and a usual situation in the Illuminatis, you must be rich and famous) didn't openly declare their allegeance. Didn't you read our Thread? I mentionned at least 3 times that the only knowledge you could have are rumors, such as Illuminatis in RL.

We do have codewords, Symbols, sentences, books, heck, we're even working on having a language!

And yes, you might think we aren't doing anything right now, but in fact, if you do, it means that we succeeded in our goal, because we have signed several pacts and made quite a couple of political moves with figures that might or might not be extremely near you, btw. But the key is that you will never know... because those that would see us gone, must first step into the light...


Lord of Altera
My older character Epikus would be one of the bad guys. Probably one of em that dies very stupidly, like the AI in sniper elite 3.

The Courier

Lord of Altera
Landir would be the mercenary who people call on to either protect someone or kill someone. He's not exactly the main character, and I wouldn't consider him an extra. He surely would make minor appearances, being there to either relieve tension via his joking nature, or he'd be there during major events to help out. Occasionally, he'd show his true light during some major scenarios by taking charge and leading people. A born leader at heart, but someone who hardly ever forces that onto others and would much rather prefer the lazy life of being paid to do things rather than going off of other incentives.


Lord of Altera
We'll Sullivan probably would be the comedic relief and the unexpected reinforcement (or even romantic subplot.)
I feel he should be more bad ass as he did go two rounds w/ herateth so I'd say unexpected subplot.
And sad to say not much else and I get the suspicion he'd probably go the way of the prince of dorn. . . *cough* spoiler *cough*