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So let's consider if Altera really was a story.


Lord of Altera
We'll Sullivan probably would be the comedic relief and the unexpected reinforcement (or even romantic subplot.)
I feel he should be more bad ass as he did go two rounds w/ herateth so I'd say unexpected subplot.
And sad to say not much else and I get the suspicion he'd probably go the way of the prince of dorn. . . *cough* spoiler *cough*
As for Pariah... A certain boba fett springs to mind... Just saying


You've yeed your last haw
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Jaret: Pretty much that chill blacksmith dude that'll make people stuff that they need t'advance their own plots.

Aewin: Ambitious little bugger, will likely grow into a lovely foil or possible antagonist. Still growing him, we'll see.~


Lord of Altera
Tybalt is that character that in the first book you might see once or twice Nd think nothing of him. I am referring this to his Arcturian days.

But towards the end of the second and the end books of the serious become a seriously important supporting character.

Tybalt will come off as a very simple character. If you look at his reactions to others you would think it's very black and white to him. Right is right wrong is wrong. React accordingly.
But in reality there is much more depth to him than that but he just doesn't portrays it.

A Brother in arms. Definitly someone you'd want beside you in battle. He knows what he is doing and is one of those characters willing to lay down his life for his brother beside him.
A very good at keeping morale. Even in the face of the most deadly of enemies he will quickly come up with some fashion of satir to whatever the threat may be. @Scardrac @Sybbyl Shedrac and Scarbutt :p


Based on what?
Retired Staff
*shrugs* I'll let you guys decide. I feel like have not contributed much to the story.

If anything my story is a lesser selling light novel that is made half a decade after the release of the novel
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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I feel like Elrohir would be a catalyst. He, like Nwalme, has a heavy role in the goals and achievements of others. I feel as if Elrohir was the kind of person to take pride in doing exactly that. While he has taken on projects of his own, roughly two thirds of them go flop (Most of these were due to lore that one person put on the wiki as canon. However, it was later revealed to in fact not be canon, and was put there without the permission of the lore team in general and thus Elrohir's project was scrapped. )

I feel as if Elrohir is a character that the protagonists would talk about, but very rarely actually encounter. The only moments I can think in which they would encounter Elrohir is through various Darkblood activities and the whole deal with the fall of the Inquisition, which I feel would be a large moment in the general plot of things.

I can never really decide with Ulfberht and Light. I feel as though Ulfberht would be a regular appearance, but hold no importance, whereas Light would appear once, twice at most (so far) and play a somewhat significant role.



Roleplay keeper
In such a story.. I can imagine that Luna would be that character that everybody through the fourth wall would know was kinda awesome and helpful.. But they'd just see her being turned into a villain, although they'd know she had not killed :p
She'd be known as that cruel neutral person in the story, that could've been the main, and that seems to really just know everything yet not care. Just sort of, a side character, that's just ready to become a main character once that one dies.


Lord of Altera
In such a story.. I can imagine that Luna would be that character that everybody through the fourth wall would know was kinda awesome and helpful.. But they'd just see her being turned into a villain, although they'd know she had not killed :p
She'd be known as that cruel neutral person in the story, that could've been the main, and that seems to really just know everything yet not care. Just sort of, a side character, that's just ready to become a main character once that one dies.
me too