Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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So you need someone to bake you cookies!


Lord of House Hawklight
*swaggers into the thread as if sensing subtle northern superiority* "Ohoho, what's this, the Nakat would prefer the north, looks like the North wins again you Southern pansies". *saunters out laughing to himself*

I'm interested Mich.


Lord of Altera
ooohh, The Hare Family would love to have some exotic servant, all other Renatun nobility will be red from jealousy!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
:rolleyes: oh dear goodness

I ain't rich enough to have any kind of servants. But I do like the idea of more servants, we don't have enough of those characters.
Thanks bro :heart:

The Alchemist needs some cookies, once in a while.
Edit: I OOCly don't care but IC the lady is looking to work for a rich bastard so she can eat normally and stuff

I would very much like this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can has please? :)
rich bastard
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Annd work has been found XD

Been poking around in the crossroads, an RP finally lead to her getting a job that turned out to be long-term :D

Letting people know this advertisement ain't valid no more :heart:


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Darn I was too late... Oh well. *sits alone in the cold Master Manor, surviving off of Jack/Jon's cooking*