Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some art huhu (noodity warning)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
... I didn't notice and now i cri

Also, thanks guys. Much love. :heart:
(Fun fact: Nwalme was dared to shave his beard off IC. Let's bully him for it.)


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Aaaah. @ForestRose asked about how I do hair, and, well. I've tried to show some progress shots of how I go about it! I'm very bad at explaining, so forgive me.

When I paint them, I usually just do.. Blobs. You'll notice most of my art has fairly unrefined eyebrows, because the're hard to do. I've found too much detail in them with individual hair strokes makes them look odd, so I try to keep them as simple as possible. Bear in mind expression, and how they move about too. Google is your friend!

Oh, man. I'm terrible with beards. I tend to do the same as eyebrows and put down blobs of colour, then work into refining it in sections. Slowly I'll brush out the edges to it meshes with the face better, but again, don't over-detail it. Hopefully you get an idea with this image below, eh?

I enjoy painting hair. I go about seeing it as sections and clumps, it's fairly easy to sort in the sketching stage. You hint at the texture, in places. Trying to make it have strands all over will make it almost straw like if you're not careful, and so focus more on using bigger brushes instead of a thin one as you try painting in strands. I use a thin brush at the end to paint on those stray strands that make it all seem less unified.
As for brushes, here, I've tried showing what I use. I can do hair using one basic brush, but most of the time now I like to get my basic shapes down with a pre-made one. Theres a lot on deviantart and things for downloading, it's just a hair or even fur brush.

I included some fullsized (I think they're fullsized.) screengrabs from my recent Queen-Nylarii pic, too. Hope it helps!



Doge Keeper
S is for spoiled, because that is how I feel after viewing all the fantastic art you have put on this thread today.
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