Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Southern Wilds, Gromm's Adventure Notes



I hear rumours of ruins in the Southern wilds. About time I get some armour on, and head out there.

Found some notes on a tree (picture one).
Suleiman? Never heard of anyone with that name.
Maybe, the ruins may be crypts. Does that mean there is something under it?
Ruin ahead, going to check it out.

Ruins small (Picture two).
Nothing in dispensers.
Nothing here.

Suleiman's note speaks of crypts. So under it?
I dug in.
There is a room, moss flooring, and stone bricks all around. It IS a crypt.
Going to find more.

Found a big one (Picture three)
Found the entrance (Picture four)
Inside is the main chamber, I guess. It does seem big.

Gold top floor. Looted.
Chest below stairs, empty. Also empty dispensers.
Gone deeper (picture five)
And the person is right. It is a crypt.
The mystery of the ruins is solved. They are all bloody crypts! That's why there is more monsters and undead around, like this 'suleiman' said..

Another ruin (Picture six) this one with another structure.
Gold under the pillars! (Picture seven).
Gone inside, yet again, same layout. A room, with stone bricks, cracked and mossed.
Yet, this one had redstone lamps inside. I looted them.

Gone back home to Lemarc (picture eight)
Gave him all the stone, dispensers, and lamps I looted.
He seemed happy (picture nine)
One thing I never gave him was the gold. I gotta keep the gold.
I ALWAYS keep the gold

