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Sparacus Aleria


Name: Sparacus Aleria

None yet

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 200 pounds

Hair: His hair is White, with light grey streaks and is down to his shoulders, He typically lets it hang down since it is naturally straight.

Eyes: His eyes are dark teal showing due to his "Gift and Curse"

Skin: His skin is very lightly tanned mostly because he tries to avoid sunlight, but loves being outdoors.

Identifying Marks: The only things that really set him apart from other people are his eyes, hair color, and the black lines that run down from his forehead, past his eyes, and across the side of his face.

Appearance: Sparacus is fairly muscular, his height making him tower over some people and his hair able to hide his face. He has quite a few scars, his most notable ones being on his arms from arrow wounds. He is mostly seen wearing a tan shirt with black markings on it, and black pants. His shoulders have on them a set of very old, worn down looking pauldrons, and under his shirt around the collar area, some equally old chain armor can be seen. He says it looks nice, but provides him with absolutely no defense due to the fact of how old it is.

Strengths: Sparacus is fairly strong and tolerant for pain. He is able to shrug off arrows and has been seen sometimes pulling arrows out of his arm. He has also taken on large battles alone, and has fallen quite a far distance sometimes, able to get right back up and continue what he was doing. He is fairly quick on his feet and has some intelligence to boot. The what he calls "Gift and Curse" Eyes provide him with a higher attention span and better focus on a battle field, giving him faster reaction times. They also give him the ability to see better in low light conditions, which helps him navigate caves.

Weaknesses and fears: His eyes, although being such a great gift to him, do have their draw-backs, and most of the time he calls them more of a curse. He does not have a great view of distance, he can only see about 50 feet before his eyesight is abruptly cut off by an accursed fog that is constantly in his vision. They also are very susceptible to irritation most of the time bought on by water getting into his eye. He once got a rain drop in his eye and spent a whole tour through a town itching it, and holding his hand over it to try and keep himself from scratching it anymore. It has also been noted that depending on a situation his eyes will vary between shades and hues of the original color, mostly when in times of deep thought, or in a stressful situation bought on by fighting. It for the most part allows people to know if he is thinking of something. Another weakness of his, is that although he may be an overwhelming force of strength. he is very jumpy and sometimes will stop mining expeditions for small reasons (for example stopping a group while he's holding his weapon because there is a lone zombie).

Religion and cults: None

Profession: He is a warrior at heart, but also can be quite a blacksmith. His weaponry at one time being called the strongest blade.

Back Story:

Sparacus' life is shrouded commonly by death, which some people find strange due to the fact that he is a very upbeat person. His life began on a farm as an only child for the first few years of his life. His parents were very addicted to gambling, sometimes causing them to go without food for quite awhile while they paid off debts. At age six Sparacus' parents tried to teach him how to gamble, but Sparacus could never pick up on it, he always said gambling and card games were boring, though they provided him with a good reason to go to sleep. It was around his seventh birthday that Sparacus was granted his curse. His parents, on the day of his curse being given to him, were at an all time high for their gambling, having gotten money out of everyone in the tavern they were in that day. Sparacus commonly stuck by with them, watching out for anyone cheating, and he would always alert everyone at the table of a cheater. The table had fallen silent everyone had been bested by the worst gamblers in the whole area, and either had run out of money, or just didn't want to continue.

An old man walked into the tavern taking a seat at the table with Sparacus' parents, and making a heavy wager with them, offering them the chance to triple their current pot, or hand it all over to the man. The man wore a hooded robe, so Sparacus could not really see if the man was a devious, and obvious cheater, or an honest gentleman. His parents cautiously but excitedly took the bet, being extremely sure they would win, because their luck couldn't get bad at this point. Sparacus watched the game with a careful eye, watching every single hand movement to see if anyone cheated. It was towards the end of the pot, the old man had only a small amount of money left, and Sparacus watched him try to pull a card out of his sleeve. Sparacus thought nothing of it, pulling his normal routine, acting like nothing happened, until the man won, Sparacus being a smug little punk called the man out on cheating, and the man admitted to it, but was obviously not very happy. He commented on how Sparacus had very keen watchful eyes, like a hawk, and then cast a hex upon him, causing his eyes to turn their color, and his hair to fade to grey and white. His face developed the black marks as a sort of seal for the hex letting people be aware of it. His parents won by default, but at the cost of their sons eyesight now being terrible.

By age 11 Sparacus now had 4 new siblings bringing his family up to a heft size of 7 family members. The family had moved into a larger house, now in a more local farm community, Sparacus had made friends with only one child who also had been cursed with an odd appearance, whose name was Karkat. They grew up together and taught each other everything they could and were willing to teach each other. Karkat taught Sparacus the art of combat with an odd weapon, their weapon of choice being a sickle, and Sparacus taught Karkat how to spot a cheater in a tavern with relative ease. Sparacus and Karkat commonly stayed around Sparacus' house to take care of his siblings while his parents went out gambling, though it wasn't long before Sparacus' father died. He died in a gambling bet that went wrong and was stabbed viciously and beaten to death. His mother died a couple of years later, she commited suicide from depression, leaving Sparacus to raise his family by the age of 13. He would have failed miserably if it wasn't for Karkat who taught Sparacus how to hunt.

Sparacus's youngest sibling died months after their mother from starvation. Sparacus always blamed himself for it, though his siblings told him not to think of it as his fault. Five more years passed before Sparacus was forced to leave the farming community with Karkat. The two were on their way back from a hunting trip, returning empty handed, which had become quite common around that time. As they got closer to the village, they smelt, what they thought to be a campfire. Then when they got closer to the village, they had seen what they were smelling. The whole village was ablaze, set by bandits. Karkat quickly fled to his house, and Sparacus to his, to check on their respective families. Sparacus got to his house, finding the front door broken open, and three bandits already inside. Sparacus crept in and saw that two of his siblings had already been killed from injuries sustained from savage beatings. Sparacus in a display of sheer rage, and bravery, and possibly stupidity, dove at the bandits, wielding his sickle and using it to quickly dispose of the three. Sparacus quickly picked his sister up onto his back and fled the burning house, finding Karkat outside, having learned the fate of his own family. The two fled the village, and ran as far and as fast as they could before stopping by a river.

Sparacus laid his sister on the ground and would lay next to her, staring at the stars. Sparacus spoke with her during her final moments, helping her stay calm to make the transition from life to death easier. He made up constellations, and tried to help her feel better with jokes. She looked at him with sincerity and finally spoke to him with a weakening tone, asking him to make her a promise.

"Big brother Spara (The children's nickname for Sparacus because his name was hard to pronounce to them), can you make me a big promise? Will you and Karkat... Become the biggest Strongest... Heroes in all the land?.. Like the ones... From the story?" She spoke looking to him as he sat up listening intently, his head dropped his long white hair hiding his eyes as tears silently fell trying to maneuver through the hair. Sparacus took a deep breath making the promise to become a hero like she had asked, and become even better heroes than the ones in the story. She passed silently in her brothers arms and the next morning she was buried.

Sparacus and his friend soon ventured forth visiting many places, and soon took their own separate paths. Sparacus learning the trade of the blacksmith and deciding to move on, while Karkat learned the same trade, but stayed at the village. They vowed to each other that if they ever met on the battlefields for some reason, they would turn against their respective armies, or flee the battlefield deserting their armies.

Sparacus moved on, traveling for a couple of more years, keeping himself in health, and taking on varying challenges of extreme proportions sometimes, and proving himself to be a very brave warrior. He finally arrived in Altera, after making many friends and finally stopped his travels there.

This was his life, but his story has only just begun.

(Opinions? Comments? Suggestions? I am open to all I worked fairly hard on this, but I personally feel I put way too much information into his backstory ._.)


Settling in Altera
I like the detail and depth. And never fear putting too much info, the more we get the better! The bit about the old man hexing him is slightly confusing and I'm not sure exactly what happened there (did everyone just standby and watch? Did he get away? Do we ever learn who he is?) It'd be a good opportunity to create a nemesis or something. Just a curiosity and an idea. Love it, and keep it up.


I never really was able to decide between having the old man tarred and feathered or get away in a magical portal.

Though now that you mention it... It will be his nemesis because I like that idea better :D


Memories of Adventures with Karkat (Since the adventures they went on aren't very detailed, but this is only about one of those days. Wall of text begin!)

A deer stood, all alone grazing on some grass. The forest was quiet and sunny, peaceful, birds chirping, a river in the distance quietly moving along. The deer picked it's head up suddenly, a rustle in the bush nearby. It stared at the bush for a few moments, then went back to eating. It turned it's back to the bush and soon the bush rustled again.

"Ready? Go!" Sparacus shouted and dove out of the bush followed by Karkat, the two got on either side of the deer and began blocking it's path, brandishing their sickles with hunger glowing in their eyes. It had been weeks since they had something decent to eat, and they were both getting tired of eating berries and mushrooms. Karkat dove on the deer's back and hung on for dear life as it tried to throw him asside. Sparacus held his sickle tightly waiting for a good opening as he watched Karkat get tossed like a toy.

"Not gonna make this easy are you?" Karkat stated with a grin and got up before blocking the deer again. Sparacus put his sickle away and took a deep breath as he looked at the deer before charging the deer and grabbing it with all of his might and hanging on while Karkat came in for the kill. The deer was slain quickly, the two not wanting it to suffer for long. Sparacus set it down gently on the ground and looked at the deer as it's eyes just seemed to fade for it's death. Karkat began quickly cutting at the deer as Sparacus went to find the river to wash his now bloody arms in. Karkat walked up and set down the cut venison before washing his hands.

"How long have we been traveling?" Sparacus asked and Karkat shrugged helplessly as a response. "Well I guess it's only been about a week right? We haven't been traveling too long." Sparacus said launching himself into deep thought as his mind began to dwell on the week before when everything had gone wrong for his family life. He sighed lightly and Karkat sat down taking up a couple of sticks and beginning to try to make a fire. "You think anyone else is out here besides us?" Sparacus finally asked and Karkat smirked and looked at his friend.

"Definitely... We're in the middle of a forest, there's bound to be bandits, and highwaymen, and all sorts of baddies out here. Not only that but there's also nature to take into account, like bears, and stuff." Karkat stated and continued fighting to make the fire. "This is not going to work for me, it never does," He said quietly and after quite a long time, and many agonizing attempts, he finally had a fire to cook on. Sparacus though took his time and cooked the venison. The two ate then laid down to go to sleep. Sparacus looked at the sky, his eyes not allowing him to view anything.t

"We need to find a vill-," Sparacus started then was hushed by his friend. Sparacus sighed and grabbed his blade and gripped it tightly. "Tell me you heard something," He said in practically a whisper. Karkat sat up and had his sickle in hand already.

"Definitely did... It's nearby whatever it is." Karkat whispered back as the two stood up slowly. Sparacus looked around his eyes scanning the nearby area, looking into the dark with relative ease because of his eyes. Karkat struggled to see anything as Sparacus stood looking around. "See anything?" He asked and Sparacus shrugged before an arrow struck him in the arm, Sparacus doubled over and looked at the arrow with a smirk, he was young, but he had quite the tolerance to pain already developed.

"You know... I always figured I'd be a fairly easy target to kill," Sparacus started as he grabbed the arrow and yanked it out of his arm with a devilish grin, "but when you're that bad of a shot, you could say the same about yourself." Sparacus finished and turned around seeing a bandit dive out of a bush with sword at ready. "Is that all? I figured you'd have-" Sparacus started and was soon interrupted by several other bandits joining the fray, "... Friends." He finished and sighed lightly as he gripped his sickle tight. Karkat moved to his friend and they stood side by side.

"Four versus two? This is definitely an easy fight... For us that is." Karkat stated bluntly and the two split up, Sparacus' brute force easily over powering the bandits he fought, and Karkat's swiftness out maneuvering the two he went after. Sparacus managed to keep one of his bandits alive and pinned him to the ground. He had by some twist of fate grabbed the man who shot him in the arm. Karkat picked up the bow and arrows and shrugged helplessly. Neither of them were very good archers. Sparacus' eyes not allowing him the best sight, and he was more of a brute, and Karkat, well, he just liked being up close and personal. The two looted the bandits for everything, Sparacus tied the bandit he caught to a tree and sat down in front of him, just staring at him, as if he was staring into his soul.

"Ya gonna do anythin'? Or are ya just gonna sit there?" The bandit spoke harshly at Sparacus who just sat there staring, no expression, not even a blink from his eyes, just a blank cold stare. The bandit shivered a little at the sight of Sparacus, his cold stare just looking into his eyes, as if trying to read his mind. Sparacus was making no such attempt, just trying to think of questions to ask the man.

"So... What is, you're name?" Sparacus finally spoke ending his long term silence. He stared sternly and still coldly at the bandit, who was extremely shocked at the fact that out of all the things he could be asked by his captor, he was asked his name.

"My name?.." The bandit started and Sparacus nodded before the bandit looked curiously at him, "Why you want ta know my name?" He asked before listening to Karkat mumbling something about a tombstone which prompted the bandit to quickly spurt his name out "Bert! My name is Bert!" Sparacus seemed curious and stood up before whispering something to Karkat. He then turned around and walked back over to the bandit and sat down.

"That's strange... For a bandit... I never really took your type to be afraid of tombstones." Sparacus stated curiously looking at the man, "you don't even like much of a bandit anyway." He finished and sighed before laying sideways and relaxing. "I don't really like you, Bert. You shot me in the arm." Sparacus stated bluntly as he looked at his sickle. The bandit looked panicked and Sparacus seemed a little more irritated and stood up.

'Wait, he's angry over this??' Karkat thought to himself as he looked at Sparacus' anger building up inside. He got that feeling that things were about to get violent, all over again. "Friend calm yourself, you know your temper better than anyone, to know that when you get really mad, you tend to get overly violent." Karkat stated quickly. The bandit at this point seemed to be even more worried for his own life, which only seemed to make Sparacus' anger rise even more.

"You! You Are a Bandit! You know, evil, cheating, back stabbing, heartless, soulless, evil people!? Killing Innocents for fun?!" Sparacus started to get loud and Karkat quickly started to calm his friend. "Yet here you sit, showing up with all your friends, Who are now dead, and you look worried! Like you think I might, just, kill you!" The bandit's eyes were wide open as he saw the sickle being swung around he then shut his eyes as he saw it heading for his head. He heard the sickle hit something hard. He wasn't sure what it was. He opened one eye and saw the sickle stuck into the tree right against the rope used to tie him up. The bandit went to stand before getting a very harsh kick to the side then being shoved against the ground.

Karkat knew all too well what was happening. It was Sparacus' way of getting revenge for the brutality against their respective families. He watched Sparacus put his foot on the bandits head and start to push down before he finally stepped in. Karkat did his best to pull Sparacus off the man but he was overpowered by his obviously stronger friend. Karkat wasn't about to let his friend become as senseless as a bandit, so he did the best he could to punch his best friend in the face. The hit connected, and Sparacus definitely felt it. He lifted his foot off Bert's head and grabbed him by the shirt. He lifted Bert to his feet and looked at him.

"Get out of here... And feel lucky that I even let you live." Sparacus spoke with a breath cold enough to send a chill down the Grim Reaper's spine. The man looked terrified and as he Sparacus let him go, he wasted no time at all getting out of there. Sparacus turned to his friend who had punched him in the face recently, and sighed. "They weren't bandits... And if they were, they were the most god awful, saddest bandits, I've ever seen, in my whole life." Sparacus said and sighed before resuming his old place by the campfire. He laid back looking at the sky again, this time beginning to count how many there were. He left his sickle in the tree for the night.

"You ever get that feeling... Like we're being watched, not by people out here in the forest or anything... But I mean like, our friends and families, who died?" Karkat said as he laid down in his spot staring into the stars, knowing Sparacus couldn't see them. Sparacus' thought about it for a moment and sighed lightly with a smile.

"Yeah, I think they are watching our every move." Sparacus said as he shut his eyes. Karkat smiled lightly. Sparacus laughed a little as he opened his eyes again, "I wonder what my siblings were thinking when that just happened," He said and Karkat laughed quietly.

"They were probably thinking the same thing I was... You need help with your anger problem," He said and Sparacus laughed before finally falling asleep. Karkat fell asleep not long after, and they would begin their adventure again the next day.

(Next one is going to be about a confrontation with that old man... Again)