Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Spider & Louis' Art Thread


Lord of Altera
"When we get to the log that Manchee always needs help over he just sails right over it without even thinking"


For anyone who doesn't know what this is, it's book one of the Walking Chaos trilogy; The Knife of Never Letting Go.
And reading it is like watching kittens drown while stabbing yourself repeatedly in the thigh with a nail file.
But they are the best books I ever read.
So read them but don't read them.


Lord of Altera
*Bumps thread*
I've finally got the chance to breathe now that my exams are over,
so have some nub painting~

I think it's not that bad for it being my first attempt ?


Lord of Altera
Wow that's big and messy and dear god what happened to my grammar

I actually had a lot of fun doing that, especially with trying different mane styles because oh my God hair is hard, but that bridle was the death of me.
yes i am actually a ghost
