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Stabbinshards appeal

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(Finally made another account)
I got banned for being a nuisance, rude, generally annoying
I can fix how i talk to others, i'll be nicer
I'm sorry, i hope you can unban me


<3 Hollow World
Everything you do on Hollow world is recorded, this is just a flavour of you pming a moderator. I'm leaving Megan to make comment on your ban.

7321226 2011-10-15 12:46:45 Stabbinshard Command Northern_Kingdoms 602.2,68,-453.5 /msg axex Heres a thought for the admins
7321275 2011-10-15 12:46:59 Stabbinshard Command Northern_Kingdoms 602.2,68,-453.5 /msg axex Stop effing interrupting players and trying to fix it. It makes it worse and then you
7321287 2011-10-15 12:47:03 Stabbinshard Command Northern_Kingdoms 602.2,68,-453.5 /msg axex blame it on the player
7321321 2011-10-15 12:47:16 Stabbinshard Command Northern_Kingdoms 596.8,68,-450.4 /msg axex and stop swearing/kicking players for stupid reasons when you are doing them yourself
7321355 2011-10-15 12:47:31 Stabbinshard Command Northern_Kingdoms 589.4,67,-449.7 /msg axex and also learn to get your information right, i've been blamed for other people's shit.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Yes you are quite abusive.
I know of at least 3 people (myself included) who will kill you on sight in rp due to you being a general dick in ooc and rp.


Sorrows Warrior
He was banned by me because of his utter disturbance of RP and his downright rude behavior. An rp was present and he repeatedly tried to ruin it in mockery. He is constantly showing admin team no respect whatsoever. His language is unsuiting, and I heard cheers of joy from when he was banned, which means that the feeling of his banishment was welcome by the community. If anyone would like to stand up for the poor soul besides possibly his sister, I MIGHT reconsider.


Lord of House Hawklight
Wait, wasn't he tempbanned, or did I completely miss him being banned again? Because when I was rping with him later, he seemed to have cooled down and it was fine?


Le Original Queen
Leave the ban.

Here's a thought for stupid people. If you have suggestions for the Admin team, feel free to post them in a well thought out, politely formatted post on the General Discussion. We notice things. You are also more than welcome to forward such suggestions to me and I can bring them to the attention of the rest of the team if I feel a) It's well thought out b)May actually be constructive, and c) You aren't being a total twink about it. I may not be in the game a whole hell of a lot right now, but I do take the time to browse the forums and I can easily copy pasta anything anyone needs to get to the rest of the team in a timely matter.

Kaies is right. This is the same behavior displayed by Luthur before we finally gave up on trying to turn his attitude around. If you've got one HELL of a good reason why you should remain on the server, now is the time to have your say.

An apology might be a good start. A real, heartfelt apology.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I vote ban stands.
Because with such a massive influx of players, we should not have to waste our time and subject our players to abuse to give you a third chance to get your act together.
You are not a contributor to the server, so why should we keep you? You just fill up a slot and abuse others.


Like Thann you remember? I don't trust him, I didnt understand what he was talking about roads thing..

I noticed he don't rping as much.. so hes really annoyed

Ban Stands please.


King ForumStalker
some people dont understand how many people try to join the server. Don't think for one minute that your safe because the moderator team will cry overlosing one guy, they've got 20 much nicer guys waiting in the back.

Based on comments shown and the players comments about fixing his attitude (very hard to do and seen before)
Please, let some nice awesome builder take this whatsits place.

mmm.... wotsits *sings the old "what sits on your wotsits" song*
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