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Stages of character development?


Lord of Altera
Seeing as though I've sold my soul to Mitch, and he demanded a post out of me...

Nykuos - Twin brother to Syr, and... At times quite the opposite to Syr.

  • Started right around the time Syr was created, both being lowly runaways looking for a place to live at the start of their lives - Poor, pretty damn curious, and used brain over brawn even at this age.

  • Eventually grew to become an Inquisitor, quickly... Sickened, I suppose, by their methods. Ny' usually kept to the cleaner side of the Inquisition, always studying the gods, studying people, so on - Seems to have found his place, got an idea on what he might do with his life, still pretty damn curious, and still used more brain than brawn after training.

  • Due to the rather dismal beginning I gave Ny' at the start, I cheered him up with age. This was quickly ended by Eminu carving 'Albareth' into his arm, roughing him up pretty good. - Quite used to the way things were going, Up and down and back around, he felt rather horrible seeing as though he was the human letter sent to Albareth and honestly wanted out by this point.

  • Time went on, Ny' followed Wyv to become a pirate. Quickly killed by Kysr, the younger Inquisitor student. Syr was rather scarred by this, I suppose. Watching his brother die before him. - Horribly confused with life, lost in thought on whether things were good or bad for him in the long run.

  • Revival ensued... Ny' left for quite a long time as I began to develop other characters. Recently, with the fall of the Inquisition, he was called back to aid his brother's/church's cause. - Ny' had left, contemplated things, stayed relatively pacifistic, and continued to study various things at his leisure. His past haunts him yet still, but he has gotten quite good at suppressing these memories. If anything, he had become unstable with solitude.

  • Syr and Ny' have essentially made up since, recent complications simply bringing them together I suppose. - Ny's, more or less of, an adult, now. He's tried to let the past stay buried in the past and let the present keep it all locked away. It's worked so far, and so he can only continue to hope it will for a long time.
Probably a real shallow character development... But whatever. I like my RP characters to have some jacked up progression...
Also making very little sense.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Boop de whoop

~In Alphabetical Order~

Lathan, the Best Healer of Altera

+Lathan goes blind
+Lathan learns Mysticism
+Lathans son dies
+His wife leaves him for another dude
+Lathan is sad
+Lathan hates things
+Lathan slightly less hates Basil
+Lathan hates healing in the Mead (But does it anyway)
+Lathan hates saving stupid people, but does it anyway
+Lathan slightly less hates Eric and Alden
+Lathan hates politics (So he creates the Silver Serpent)
+Lathan hates women, and refuses one.
+Lathan heals more things. Does experiments on Basil.
+Lathan talks about his deep dark scary painful past, qq moar
+Drachen dies. Turik dies. Basil dies.
+The only thing Lathan doesn't hate is his bench, so he sits on it.
+All day, every day, sitting on his bench (When hes *not making medical breakthroughs and discovering secrets, as he did during this time)
+Magic goes poof. Lathan is a unhappy because now all his friends are dead
+Lathan realizes people don't like him and he is an old man without his bargaining chip.
+Lathan has [Redacted] help him pretend hes dead.
+Lathan priests a wedding because he is very bad at pretending he is dead
+Pretends hes dead again. Hates this.
+Presently hiding inside the Twin Snake Temple.
+Lathan still hates everything and misses his bench. and Basil. He plans to return to the bench, but not Basil just yet.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
[Reserved for Leminth, then Schemil, the Tzemik. Alphabets! ]
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The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Miiight do one for Evelyn.
I would consider writing one for Faelin, but I'd prefer to let a fair bit of that be figured out~


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... An example of Basil's oblivious nature is that he genuinely never completely realized how bad Eminu's mental state was.

And Mich, it is sadly beautiful.


The Mogul of Cromarcky
I've written my character's progression down on my character profile should anyone wish to see it. I haven't updated the exodus stuff yet, but that's mainly because I have had very little to do with it. The exodus is very much a military campaign, and I am no soldier.


Lord of Altera
Mkay then

*Darko is born in Port Silver. Life sucks..
*Beaten, abused, starved by his parents. Life Sucks
*Darko has enough, kills his father, his mother runs away into hiding.
*Bunch of other stuff in his backstory.

Now onto Gameplay!
*Darko adventures from Port Silver, determined to do good in his life and not be like his parents.
*Darko finds Warstrom, and sets up a home. Life's good.
*Darko gets sick in Warstrom, and nobody in the city wants to help him, so he heads farther north, looking for a cure.
*Finds Shipwreck Cove. Meets Sally, Sally makes him less sick, Darko is happy.
*Starts Living at The Cove, in denial saying he's not a pirate.
*Eventually formally leaves Warstrom, nobody cared, Darko is frusturated.
*Spends more time at The Cove, swabbin' the deck.
*Begins to have problems. Hearing voices, quick changes in personality.
*Visits Uthrandir and starts stealing books from the wizards to learn how to get rid of the voices
*Self Harming tendencies begin.
*Can't find a way to get rid of the voices, starts cutting mind altering runes into his skin to try and block them. Voices get worse.
*Is caught by Uthrandirans
*Wizards believe he is possessed, they bury his mind, and replace it with a new one "Josh".
*Is eventually rescued by Sally, and his memories are restored. This causes Darko to hate the "Good guys" even more.
*Becomes a self recognized pirate.
*After some time passes, Darko wants help for his mental problems. He goes and meets Luna Wolfheart. He falls in love.
*Makes more sessions with Luna, expressing himself like he never has.
*Finds out Luna is with another man. Gets all depressed.
*Depression leads to violent outbreaks. Becomes murderer, hates self. Life Sucks.
*Meets [Name Redacted due to secrets] and begins to convert her to become a murderer.
*[Name Redacted] becomes Wyvern. Wyvern And Darko become partners in crime. Darko is a bit happier.

More will come later in an edit.
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Retired Staff
Very much incomplete log of every RP I've deemed worthy of being added to Vorar's history. VERY MUCH INCOMPLETE. I forget a lot of things because I don't update this very often.

-Vorar found an empty book for it to jot in. This is its journal for it to write in, and to this day reflects its thoughts and developments. The book is always on its person from this day.
Update: book stashed in Vera storage, not carried around nearly as often.
-Vorar saw Basil ask an elf why he had pointed ears.
-It really noticed grass for the first time, amazed that something so small and fragile could thrive.
-Vorar is amazed by the world, and happy to live there.
-While wandering about, Vorar found two stones embedded with glittering crystals that glow when hit.
-It gave Nipith a crystal for being amenable instead of fearful, as the other Nakat were.
-Vorar found Tauredal and was amazed by the spectacular trees.
-Vorar finds a meadow of flowers, and wonder what having smell would be like.
-Vorar saw its first Syrie.
-Vorar fell in the sea and learned it couldn’t swim or float.
-After walking back up to the shore, it noticed that water evaporates in contact with it, due to its heat.
-Vorar was hit by lightning.
-Vorar started learning Elven by eavesdropping on Steven Greypaw and an elf.
-While in the Laughing Lamb, Vorar saw three new Nakam. One was hurt and bleeding, but was patched up.
-Vorar met Sajek and Eminu.
-Vorar met a Caparii.
-Sajek introduced Baz’neh to it in the Lamb.
-Vorar carried Eminu to the infirmary in Kavdam so she could receive first aid.
-Eminu asks Vorar to give a message to a golden-haired Caparii.
-It meets this Caparii, Aspen, and gives him the message. He storms off to find Eminu, and it follows.
-Vorar realizes Eminu’s mind is broken, and that she has no memory.
-During a spat between Eminu and Aspen, Vorar decides emotions are complex and confusing. It decides to not deal with them.
-Vorar notices that physical contact is used to express affection or familiarity.
-Vorar saves the Caparii Lucius from drowning, then hypothermia.
-Vorar learns that organic creatures can die of being too cold. It can relate, in a way.
-It grows confused upon learning that Lucius’ leg won’t heal from its club-footed state. Learning that some injuries don’t heal drives it to wish to learn how to heal wounds.
-Lucius bonds with Vorar as a guardian figure. Vorar reciprocates by acting as it always does.
-Vorar wonders how to be a friend.
-Srye and Basil try to convince Vorar to use “I”. It experiments with this, then goes back to its usual speaking style.
-Vorar decides it would like to get repaired from its damaged state. Srye says she’ll try to find an elf that can help.
-Vorar encounters a ghost. It can’t see or hear or touch the thing, so instead it uses a book for the ghost to write in. The ghost is Lament, trying to find help for a dying and pregnant girl.
-While trying to find someone to magically heal the girl, Vorar meets Toorviing the Phoenix. Toorviing heals the girl with the fenra.
-Toorviing hints that he knows of Vorar’s creators, and uses it as an example of non-destructive fire to Basil.
-Toorviing teaches it Fenra.
-Vorar picks up Verba and Caparii from spending time immersed in the languages. It takes all of a day to master them once it gets rolling.
-While trying to find someone to repair it, Vorar meets Naelwyn, the Observer. Naelwyn promises to try and repair it.
-Vorar meets Legion. The two are mutually honoured to meet each other, Vorar being amazed to find a descendant of the Vorsons, and Legion interested in finding a creation of his ancestors.
-Vorar met a young Syrie. The Syrie threw mud at it, so it retaliated by dropping a large pile of mud on him.
-Vorar meets Legion and Naelwyn, who bring it to [REDACTED] after testing Vorar’s ability to keep a secret. Vorar is a very good liar.
-Vorar learns how to fish. It doesn’t know what to do with the fish it finds.
-Vorar meets Lathan, who teaches it how to heal cuts and stabs without magic.
-Vorar sees a woman give birth. It is baffled at the self-replicating ways of organic creatures.
-Vorar encounters snow for the first time, during the Port Silver Christmas decorating.
-Turik explains what snow is and how it works to Vorar. It tries to make a snowball, but it just melts.
-Eminu declares Vorar to be a friend. It gives Eminu fish in return.
-Vorar meets Tavish the Great Demon, who tells it of his backstory after it helps crush his assault during the Black Moon of Stormhold.
-Vorar is fascinated by the power of Corruption.
-Vorar meets Harateth.
-Basil and Eminu enter a relationship. They explain how emotions work to Vorar, who decides Basil is a friend.
-Eminu and Vorar continue their friendship, becoming as close as two can be, considering the circumstances.
-Vorar feels happy for the first time.
-Eminu is killed by Scardrac. Vorar learns it is capable of incredible anger, and hunts Scardrac down.
-Vorar discovers it cannot strike in anger, and so swears to Scardrac that it will wait until his dying day and watch his remains crumble to dust, so it may scatter his being into the void and work to obliterate his memory as long as it lives.
-Vorar discovers Eminu was reincarnated by the Sisterhood.
-After a long journey across the world, exploring all it can find, Vorar returns to Kavdam, where Eminu has become the diplomatic speaker of Arduin.
-It departs again for some time, allowing events to unfold without it interfering in some way.
-Vorar returns once more, and learns Eminu is dead and gone, for good.
-In a rage, it notices Scardrac in Kavdam, and avows once more to see his memory stomped out. Lathan is there and follows it to its hall.
-Vorar tells Lathan of its mourning.
-For the first time, Vorar knows what sadness feels like.
-It decides to wait for Eminu to reincarnate in a hundred years’ time, and sits down in its hall to wait until its truest friend comes back.
- Vorar starts wandering out into the world again.
- Having fully explored Kavdam and the nearby area (and finding some interesting things, oh my), Vorar set off on a journey around the world. This was concluded within a short period of time, as Vorar doesn't need to rest.
- Vorar founds Lake Vera as a retreat from the world where it can enjoy nature quietly. Some people followed it there, but it doesn't care as long as they don't get in fights.
- Vorar, returning to the Stonewick to get the last of its supplies, gets trapped in an earthquake sealing it inside the rubble. It isn't having any of this, so it breaks its way out, retrieving the Beacon of Stonewick along the way.
- Vorar seals the beacon in emerald, in a reflecting, sparkling pool at the town square of Lake Vera.
- The Sorrow of Acedia makes an appearance. Vorar splits it in half with a broadsword, but it comes back later.
- The Sorrow follows Tyrin and Nwalme to Lake Vera. The Beacon's energy repulses it in its wounded state, but it still makes an effort to kill them. Vorar takes hold of it and shoves its head into the Beacon's beam, nearly killing the Sorrow, which beats a quick retreat and vanishes.
- While wandering along a path in Lake Vera, Vorar sees Tyrin conversing with the Sorrow. The Sorrow swears peace, which Vorar reinforces by making it swear and oath upon its power to never raise a hand against anyone in Lake Vera, at the price of its life.
- The Sorrow dies while Vorar is elsewhere.
- Vorar returns once more, having heard word of Eminu being alive. Scouring the city, Vorar eventually runs into a clamor in the Cathedral. Dispatching an unfortunate door in the way, Vorar finds Eminu defending herself against a group of angry Inquisitors. It comes to her rescue, throwing one across the room and stunning several others when a firework it was holding onto went off and exploded. Vorar made a safe escape with Eminu into the Port Silver Lair, where it tended to her wounds and caught up.
- Vorar brings Eminu to Lake Vera, where the beacon's regenerative effects take hold and accelerate her healing.
- A man with an eyepatch arrives, and Vorar greets him. The man says that a short time ago a demon summoned undead in the borders of Lake Vera. Vorar suspects Scardrac.
- Vorar shows Eminu the hidden memorial it made for her. Eminu couldn't hold all the feels.
- Vorar visited Wintermourne to see Legion with the required materials for a task long overdue. In a lengthy, somewhat risky situation, Vorar was repaired and upgraded. It is now plated in Xenium, a magic-resistant metal, and has inhuman dexterity, as its fingers can split into micro-manipulating appendages (4 fingers split into 4 manipulators -> 16 overall) and its wrists can do 360 degree rotation.
- Following the repair, Vorar visited the Silver Palace to congratulate Leminth. She made Vorar her Royal Advisor.
- Vorar asked Leminth to go to the ball with it. She said yes.
- Vorar is made a judge.
- Vorar met with the phoenix Toorviing for the first time in a very long while. Toorviing declares that Vorar is to be the next Headmaster of the University of Altera. Vorar accepts this and gets on with its life, now planning ahead for some interesting times.
- Vorar begins tinkering with some machines and begins learning the craft of the mechanist.
- Eminu returns, memory apparently damaged. Vorar meets her, then takes her to Kavdam to see if it can jog her memory. After [redacted] she appears to remember some things.
- Vorar travels to the Castle of Doom with [redacted] and witnesses [redacted] set off a chain of events that result in the Queen announcing that the Exodus really ought to start, and now.
- Vorar sees Theodra in HD vision. Fun times ensue.
- Vorar, back from sabbatical, crushed Vertigo's hands to pulp as punishment for hurting an orphan child.
- Befriends Piper, silently amused that she's using a toy catapult to launch frogs at Naelwyn.
- Continues its work into learning mechanics through tinkering with things in its free time, while helping Leminth manage the Exodus.
- Vorar befriends Sheila, daughter of Sarah.
- Sheila gives Vorar a very large, exquisitely carved diamond heart made by a member of the extinct Syrien as a token of friendship.
- Vorar's island plays host to the brainwashed Schels before he's kidnapped again, this time by Turik.
- Vorar and Archaeus travel to Grafjell on suspicion that if Schels has gone anywhere from Vera, that's where he'd head. The assumption is correct, and after Naelwyn pulls a Naelwyn and removes the brainwashing, Schels chooses to leave Grafjell behind and leaves with Vorar, after being confronted by Albiorix, who Vorar chooses to not crush. This turns out for the best, as the Grey Cult shortly after ends up serving the Queen in the Exodus effort.