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Star Wars Fan Fiction Roleplay Thread!

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
*He taps a button again, and a troop of Stormtroopers bursts onto the bridge*
"Sir!" He shouts "I am going to have to stop you!" as the about 25 Stormtroopers surround him. "You 5 - take the doors, don't let anyone in unless I have authorised it!"


Lord of Altera
As they rush in the automatic defenses blast on, filling the soldiers with blaster scorches. The I didn't with blaster shots as the captain and two other officers point blasters at his head from every direction. "Mutiny? I apologize for the rude gesture with the gun and all, but it seems that you underestimate what all I prepare for. Although I am disappointed in your lack of gratitude, I seem to have stopped caring." Blasting him in the foot, two loyal guards drag him to the brig. "This is my ship."


Lord of Altera
"Take them to the brig. We can sell the soldiers once we reach Atzerii." Swiping his hand in a very Imperial motion, he orders his troopers to do just that and quite gruffly.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
As he is dragged out, more Stormtroopers, some carring E-Web Cannons, burst in, an open fire.
In the confusion, he manages to slip away, and is carried by some of his troopers to one of the side hangers, where his troops have secured the area, and his ships are ready to leave.


Lord of Altera
Lotan ducks under his desk, drawing his combat knife, because that would really do much against Stormtroopers (sarcasm). If only I could get to the armoury... He thought.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Him and his troops and supplies are loaded onto the 3 Tartan-class patrol cruisers, and the reaming are loaded onto Sentinel-class landing crafts

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
"This is Captain Jaranus Glithe, I am reporting across all Imperial Channels, need immediate support! Captain Odylion has turned pirate! He is siding with the Black Sun and heading to Atzerri! Repeat Black Sun Imperial Rouge heading to Atzerri, on Ares, a Class II Star Destroyer!! Need immediate support!"

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Meanwhile, a broadcast to Jaranus' shisp only...

"This is Captain Glithe, activate rear deflector shields, boost engine power and get into Hyper-Space! Go go go!"
As the craft fly out, moving fast, with lots of maneuverability


Lord of Altera
Blasting off the last pirate craft (flashback!), Odylion chuckles at the broadcast. Standing up, he speaks to his men on the bridge. "Gentlemen, we are no longer Imperial soldiers. Not anymore. If the Alliance has intercepted that broadcast, they will be here in at most six standard days. If we do not make a decision on how to act we shall die swiftly. We have three choices. We can either A, retreat out of system to some far outer rim world, B, stand and fight, or C, join them. I am not making this decision alone. I want each of you to vote in favour of any one option. Choose...wisely." The ysalamiri again on his forearm purrs as he rubs it, not knowing the difference of Imperial and rogue.

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
During Hyperspace, Juranus takes his Tartan-Patrol Cruiser and one landing craft, and breaks off from the rest of the group, only with his most loyal men, about 72 loyal soldiers and friends.

As they make their way, they jump from planet to planet, eventually going back to Tatooine. Their ships land at Mos Espa, causing some suspicions, and they are then traded for some houses on the outer-edge of the city.
It is here where they lie-low, and wait for the Ares to get off their tails, before they will return to Coruscant to warn Imperial Officials. Little did they know, that they were regarded as outlaws to the Empire, and had been tracked by an Imperial spy. Soon, they were to meet their fate.


Lord of Altera
As he starts to keep talking, an alarm beeps on the comms console on the Imperial channels, which is still patched in. "Eh...?" He turns, and almost immiedietly grimaces as he reads the message. "They are after us. Not just us, the mutineers as well. I'm not going to start the job and not finish it. They are likely hiding from me...somwhere I won't guess. I need to think like somone else...Lotan! I am you for the next five minutes." For that time, he contemplates the concept. "Mhm...first off, you're an idiot when I'm you, second off, he's probably on Tatooine. Plot our return to the planet of dunes! We are going to rescue his sorry rear...again!"


Lord of Altera
Lotan smiled at the remark. This is why he liked Odylion: his quirkyness. "Once again, sir, entering hyperspace. Destination, Tatooine."

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
One of Jaranus' men runs into the hideout
"Sir! Imperial landing shuttles have been spotted! We are un-sure of whom, but it could be those dastards from earlier." said a loyal lookout.
"Ok. Keep the men on full alert. If they find us, show no mercy. You lot," he points to a small group "Put on some simple robes, so it covers your armour. We are going to get back my ship."
They return a little later, having re-purchased Dark-Star, his modified Tartan-Patrol Cruiser.
"Hanger 19, Sir. We are ready to depart when you are."
"Ok" said Jaranus "I don't want to leave yet, but keep a guard of atleast 15 soldiers around and in the ship at all times."

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
*10 E-Web turrets are positioned in the Hangar, with a total of 25 men, the other 12 turrets around the hosue around the house and the remaining men*
"Don't let anyone into the hangar, or the safe-house! If people want to negotiate, send them to the Cantina, otherwise, kill on sight." said Jaranus, little did he know he accidently broad-cast that on all local Imperial Channels.


Lord of Altera
"Sir? I suggest setting up troops around the Cantina, then sending someone inside. If they try anything, we can come in and attack. I can go inside if you want."