Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Ever imagined an FPS of minecraft?

And what about a 3D fps of minecraft, with space flight, gun customisation etc.?

It is only Alpha, but this game has real potential.


Lord of Altera
Its only in Alpha, so there is little content... but what it can and will become is something too good for words

frank frappuccino

Lord of Altera
*Got it on indiegogo* Well... It "only" cost 100 USD so it better be good!
But what I can say from what little I have played it in alpha 0.0000000006 or something like that it's really fun, and well Halo and Minecraft combined what is not to love?
EDIT: Also Darkcaves in that game are dark as ...
EDIT: (again) I really need to play this game again :)
EDIT3: I just realised I have a gift code for this game... Hmm...


I has this game... But the game i played was nothing at all like this...

Maybe this is the sandbox mode i havent tried yet.


Lord of Altera
You can play online and build a base and survive waves... but thats about it.

When i get the game we can organise some games? Me, ninja, giz, big


Can do. Just remember the game currently has Massive memory leak. I drop from 200 FPS to about 5 by Wave 10 on survival.