Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Starwars: TOR


Grand Lizard
Anyone on hollow world play the old republic?

If so post server and char name!

Lord Calypho (EU) - Seiak, Lvl 30 Sith Marauder


Adorable according to Michcat
Wow! My neighbor just turned me on to this game! I am a Sith named Dakurk on the Rhubat Crystal server from the East Coast USA.


<3 Hollow World
Level 50 Vanguard, others are scattered through the levels, Got bored to tears with the game though as there's no game at 50 and I'm back playing Medieval Total War 2 + Shattered Steel when I get time after work!


<3 Hollow World
WoW was hardly original, it tore huge sections from previous computer games, MMOs and of course role play games.

No point defending it on the whole originality claim!


Loyal Servant of Altera
i Say WoW is an Ripoff from Daoc just that WoW did this - we going to make the most child game ever !
and then we have Daoc - lets a game that is Not about gear and weapons ! but about the players! and make it hard!


<3 Hollow World
i Say WoW is an Ripoff from Daoc just that WoW did this - we going to make the most child game ever !
and then we have Daoc - lets a game that is Not about gear and weapons ! but about the players! and make it hard!
DAOC was just as much about gear but only after SI was released, then Catacombs but the main problem was Trials of Atlantis. Master level abilities screwed pvp up beyond belief, took an obscene amount of time to do and were only compounded by overpowered artifacts. In truth the developers ruined DAOC, it didn't help that EA bought Mythic out though as they were always going to bury the game.

Ironically I really enjoyed TOA, but only because it pulled the realm together to work as a unit, there's nothing quite like seeing 250 people working as a small army both in and out of RvR with leaders who inspire them, I still remember a group of people singing the name of one of the guild leaders every time he logged on! That wasn't some roleplay laugh, they really did worship him!

What sickens me these days is that there isn't a single MMO coming out which isn't an incredible time sink before there's any chance of valid, balanced PvP. DAOC had it for the first 3 years, it was by far the most balanced MMORPG ever released but was blown to pieces by a dev team which was short sighted, focused on pacifying the VNBoard based US players who shouted loudest and ignored the majority of it's players, who then left for WoW, SWG and the plethora of other games on offer.

TERA? It's going to be the same old garbage, promise the world, deliver yet another Korean time sink. Diablo 3? 10 year old controls, graphics which looks a little like a console port and a story that's on linear rails. Guild Wars 2? It's got potential but they're promising more and more as release day comes and you can bet half of it won't make it into the release version, much like with SW:TOR.

Upshot is that for anyone starting out in MMORPGs they've missed the boat when it comes to decent titles, heck even WoW is a shadow of it's former self. Ultima and Dark Age of Camelot - you'll be missed but nobody as yet has managed to come close.

Having said all that I'll probably still buy Diablo 3 purely to get to see the story, heck it's coming out near by birthday so I might as well treat myself :D


King of the north!
Every MMO is a rip off of every other MMO. They are all the same. Go here, pick this, kill that, bring me this, blah blah blah. That's why I got bored of SWTOR so fast. Got to 35 and after 8 years of playing wow i just couldn't be arsed with MMO's anymore. Their very nature is their weakness, there is only so much you can get a vast majority of players to do. Linear singleplayer and sandbox games are great because they can focus on your single story allowing you to do loads more. MMO's have limited content and variety to keep everyone and their dog busy and playing.

TDLR: No I don't play and anyone claiming any MMO is a rip off of another MMO will receive a slap to the face!


Grand Lizard
heck ive never even played wow. This is pretty much the first online mmo i subscribed to, it got boring anyway. I regret buying three months...


Cobblestone King
Guild Wars 2? It's got potential but they're promising more and more as release day comes and you can bet half of it won't make it into the release version,
That is the thing with it. Arenanet ( the developers) has explicitely said that if a feature is being discussed it is already in the works (like WvW - which is an awesome feature for all the DaoC fans;, the map: and are actually able to implement it in the game.

Another thing (in my opinion, is the best freaking thing a developer can say) is that they have a simple say when anyone asks for a release-date: "When it is done". So when things are messed up they won't have a public deadline to meet up and can work on it longer to improve the game. That is what happened with SWTOR, they had a public deadline and had to rush things up for the release, which resulted into a broken game.


<3 Hollow World
Old DAOC'er anything which brings it closer to that has to be a good thing, although some of the DAOC dev team is now working on Dominus, sadly it's a futuristic affair and after SWTOR I can't stomach another one. :-/