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Steam help please! Before I give up on it forever >:(


The White Mage
So, as some people may know, Steam hated my pc. It wouldn't let me play games without it crashing the pc in such a horrible way that i'd aways have to re-boot in safe mode and rollback the pc memory by a few days to a back up. So I got a laptop.

Basically, Steam hates it almost as much. So, I went to the fine Steam forum and posted my problem there. Two threads, and absolutely no help later, except for suggestions of things i'd already done (and had listed in the posts of having done so) and telling me to do the bleeding obvious, I have given up all hope on the Steam community ever salvaging my Steam.

So I now turn to you, the Hollow world community, for help.

There's the link to my second post on the forums, the better of the two. Should have everything you need in terms of what's gone wrong.

Anyone who can help will earn my eternal gratitude (and possibly even radiants, me being desparete and all!) :D


Loyal Servant of Altera
Check the file integrity of those games. I had this same issue with my left 4 dead 2.

1. Right-click on whatever game has problems
2. Click on "properties"
3. Go to the "local files" tab
4. Click "Verify integrity of game cache"
5. ??????????????????????????????????
6. Profit

And if not, try restarting your computer, just restarting steam, or trying google chrome.


The original mute
Check if steam is being blocked by your firewall. When trying to run steam right click and hit run as administrator. Those are the only ones I can think of right now.


The original mute
Ignore what I said before, they have installed wrong... Matto do you have Skype? If so I'll add you and screen share with you to find out what could be wrong in more detail.

If you could download half life 2 before then. Then we will have something to compare as I have that as well.


The White Mage
Ignore what I said before, they have installed wrong... Matto do you have Skype? If so I'll add you and screen share with you to find out what could be wrong in more detail.

If you could download half life 2 before then. Then we will have something to compare as I have that as well.
Yep, I have skype, simply matto225. If you could lend a hand that'd be great! I'm currently downloading another demo to check if its just those two (there have been numerous problems with them in the past apparently). Half Life 2 is 5 GB's, but I could probably get that done soonish, we have alright internet now :)