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... Story~?


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
(After a few people on Skype said that apparently I was a good writer, I'd decided to attempt at making the whole style and the like more Alterafied. This was the result.)

He'd took to sitting outside, lately. Normally, he would be enjoying the comfort that comes from the familiarity of his inn, but recently it had become nearly suffocating. Strangely, it was the simpler things that were easier to focus on than what actual problems were. Little things do lead to much larger problems if left alone too long, of course. But by extension of that logic he realized that the larger problems he leaves unattended may, and perhaps already have started to become, catastrophes.

Nwalme leaned back in the chair he had placed outside, in the snow, and quietly stirred the mug of coffee resting in his lap with a finger. Habits, he would be a horrific spy, but he would try; he was a horrific knight, but he had still tried. Perhaps it was time for a change in careers once more? But of course, he knew how displeased those he worked for would be, but on the other side of the card he was starting to have trouble stomaching some lies. He chuckled to himself bitterly at a distant memory, and as he closes his eyes and with a brief sigh takes a gulp of the steaming coffee. Perhaps he would not enjoy its heat so much if it wasn't so cold outside. That said, ironically, he enjoyed the warm sensation in his throat and chest as the coffee traveled through his body; but he had grown to resent the stifling warmth of his inn this time of night.

After a brief pause, he lifted his right hand from the arm rest and took a moment to examine his wooden fingers. Signs of failure, something to learn from, should even be grateful that it was only his fingers that were taken. Bullshit, he knew, but he kept lying to himself because it's what he was taught to do. He found it curious how, when he was younger, he would marvel at the nobility's various rings and jewels. Partially because he could make a fortune from selling one, partially because he was simply jealous of their wealth. Now, as one, he envied the simplicity of the lower class's lives; but this was tempered by the knowledge that he knew if he had the opportunity to go back, he wouldn't. He would get bored within the month, and want to return back to his politics.

He believed himself to be a man who wants, actively pursues, exactly what he can't have. Why else would he so fervently pursue happiness and peace, in a world so fractured, corrupt and grey that such is impossible? As he slightly slouched in his chair, he closed his eyes with a bitter half-smile as his thoughts strayed to the topic of grey. Nothing was pleasant about the word. The metaphors that it represents he far too often came into contact with, the man killed his Danniella and by extension his... son, daughter?

In a world he believed to be so uncertain, he felt a sensation that had similarities to both comfort and hate at the realization he would never know.


'Cause none of us ever talk, we just have our little cliques of skype groups we IM each other to death in :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
.. Skype doesn't lag as much and needs a lot less attention than TS. With Skype, I can get up randomly for an hour at a time and not miss much, whereas with TS I might miss Karaoke or the like. :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... His face twitched.

It wasn't a literal twitch, of course, but it could be called that quite simply. Despite the moral qualms in hiding his own, Nwalme still found a curious enjoyment out of watching other's faces for their own. Contrary to popular belief, the particularly subtle 'tell's, if you will, do not vary that much from person to person.

After Nwalme did not respond for several moments, the man stuck between the grey area between drunk and sober nearly stuttered. "I swear sir- the ale got the better of me-- he started it!" A different sort of poor fellow was lying on the ground near a table. He wasn't dead, but it was still... interesting, he supposed the word was, to make the poor drunkard squirm. Sod obviously thought he was going to be sent to some sort of gallows.

Of course, estimating how drunk he was is a bit redundant. Fear tends to sober men up quite quickly, something you learn from experience. Whoever else was in the inn had either vacated, were too drunk to care, or had merely fallen asleep on a table or the ground. Nwalme didn't particularly care, and the other man stopped his pleading as Nwalme eased his way out from behind the bar. He approached the man on the ground, and noted how he hadn't fallen far from his table.

He didn't bother kneeling, examining the fellow. As far as Nwalme was aware, he lacked a name, and a bit of deduction brought Nwalme to the conclusion that he was of the lower-class. And yet, his gaze lingered. Not due to any sort of sensation of pity he had for the man; he was just as drunk, if not more, than the other fool. He was wearing a grey tunic. Stained, of course, but it was still grey.

He called the other man over. He heard his footsteps. Without a pause, he had lifted a tankard from the table they had formerly sat at and- essentially- spun into a swing of it at the man's head. Of course, he fell with a cry and remained on the ground with a groan. Nwalme contended himself with thoughts that it would of been... safer if he had swung instead at his torso; moreso, his ribs, as he proceeded to step forwards and stomp on the man's. Again, again.

Eventually, he was content to pause in such actions. The man had stopped moving, but he was still breathing. Helpless, really, after the first strike. A wonder how he managed to harm the other.

Nwalme sighed, leaving the perfect pair on the ground, as he left to find wherever he had discarded his physician's tools.


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Reading your writings is really easy, like it is a book from a professional author. Bit violent that post xD


Lord of Altera
.. Skype doesn't lag as much and needs a lot less attention than TS. With Skype, I can get up randomly for an hour at a time and not miss much, whereas with TS I might miss Karaoke or the like. :p
Yes, because if you don't go on TeamSpeak at all then you don't miss any karaoke. :p


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... This will mildly confuse some people, since it shares a name with Nwalme, but that was 90% due to laziness. This is the first part of a backstory mine Pathfinder buddies made me write, the class this character is apart of is that of a Sorcerer of the Infernal Bloodline... it's also very slightly based around Nwalme, the Pathfinder character. Critiques appreciated~

People said he was a good swordsman. Well, his companions at the time would, for the most part anyone else watching would be dead. "Left, right, stab. Duck, slash, back," came the familiar smooth voice of Sntch. Combat always brought back his first memories, those of Snitch instructing him on how to use a sword when he was young. But they were always scattered, coming in broken phrases, he was not fool enough to let them take priority over focusing on the melee at hand.

The clashing swords made a loud clang as Nwalme parried another blow, which was shortly followed by a grunt as Nwalme used this point of contact to shove the man back. He stumbled and his back connected with the tavern they were fighting behind, there was a surprising amount of space in the city's alley. The man made no move to shout for the guards when he heard Nwalme approaching from behind, he was as much a criminal as he was. Nwalme stepped forwards rapidly, going as to stab him with his longsword- he didn't remember where he'd gotten it, but Snitch taught him how to maintain it, and made sure he didn't lose it. The man knocked the blade to his side with his own sword, a desperate ploy but one that worked. Nwalme's sword glinted off of the side of the wooden tavern, and he dropped it, going as to grab ahold of the man's forearms.

He was young. Very, very young for an Elf, ten years from reaching the age that they would consider him fully grown. But in that instant, he felt older than his years- but at the same time young. He felt on top of the world, but he also felt as if he was so scarily vulnerable, it was an outright wash of emotions and sensations as he hesitated....

... He didn't remember when the screams started, when the fires roared. His next conscious memory was him sobbing as he limped away, cradling his ruined hands to his chest. He didn't need to look behind himself to know that the tavern behind him was on fire. A true conflagration, and he didn't know how or why, but he knew that he was the one who started it. Everything was different, the world was so much brighter it hurt to look past his tears, he couldn't move his hands. The hands that had served him so deftly before, the hands that had saved his life countless times, they were black. Black with ash, with flesh that had burned down to the bone.

He had such a sensation of power coupled with his new-found despair, as well. It was such a confusing morass of emotions that he eventually collapsed. Far away from the ravaging fire, he had walked farther than he thought he had, and found himself in yet another alley, but he scarcely remembered the route he took. He crawled on his knees to sit against the stone building, sobbing and praying silently- willing something, anything to repair his hands. The hands he so cherished, the hands he so needed- what swordsman has no hands...? He screamed a guttural, tormented scream as his hands began to smoke anew. Such a horrific, demented pain shot through his arms that he was soon sobbing new, fresh tears to replace those that had dried. They felt as if they were on fire, they were burning anew- the cruelest of the gods was laughing...

... And that was the end of his life with Snitch.
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