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Tacos Ban appeal

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Megan accused me of Xraying? She said she saw me? I don't remember XRaying Se claims I did it after Des died, me and Des found a cave led into a mineshaft i died twice he died afterward I was looking for his items I might have dug through a wall or two to get to the co-ords where he died at But that's all then slightly tried to hop over a small Lava lake and burned to death where I got back home and Got a whispher from meg Saying "I saw you x-ray" I've been accused of Xraying before by atleast four people First it started when I sold four diamonds for 100 ea and I was just trying to be nice I guess after that was when megan started to follow me around while I mined :I I always try not to mine alone so I'm not accused of Xraying Literally I have no ores lol Other than the ones I bought from Arrille Today Anyways I asked to take me back to where I "mined through a wall to reach a certain ore That's when she banned me ^^


Sorrows Warrior
Unfortunately taco, i'm the only one on and seeing as how I gave you the ban, I'd prefer someone else to review your appeal, hear what happened from both sides, and find out what to do. As long as you remain patient, I'm sure one will come soon enough. Try to write down everything you remember to keep the information fresh in your head and not forget anything so you can explain the situation at the best of your ability.


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Lol Megan Seriously And with all do no disrespect I would love to see this spot a spot at which I XRayed I don't recall me mining to a certain ore through wall or anything and I'm really tired of being accused of XRaying it actually bothers me alot when I'm accused of of xraying seriously I like this server, one of the best I've played other than Tibs server :p which is similar to yours except you're allowed to build in the wild and it's not fantasy rpg And no ranks either, anyways You should have screened where I xrayed And If I am banned right now permanently I wouldn't like to be remembered as the "person who Xrays" That's horrible rep Seriously


<3 Hollow World
Tacos I'm afraid you'll have to wait until I get a chance to talk with Megan, logs show you getting a lot of ores in a very short period of time, but we don't ban or temp ban purely on logs. Hopefully it won't take too long either way :D


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Could I use desarchemist as proof? He was with me at all time except that time when we got separated and he died


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
We shouldn't ban just because we suspect someone of x-raying. We put them on a watch list and we check logs to back up the claim.

Its becoming quite evident that this world has a great deal more diamond deposits than 1.7. We have had a few cheaters recently but we must be cautious to not spoil someone enjoyment of the game by constant harassment of players regarding x-ray. If we suspect it we should watch them closely and check logs without their knowledge. We certainly should not be confronting them in-game and accusing anybody without 100% evidence.


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:D Thanks for the support Blue, But I believe Megan has been watching me for quite some time now But either way I don't xray I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding


<3 Hollow World
Tfortacos - I'm removing the ban, consider it a 2 hour temporary ban in the meantime. I'll PM you though regarding the logs.
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