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Finished Tambry Fishing Tourney- A Celebration


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Seeing as Tambry-upon-Tam has become the highlighted city for April, we thought it'd be fun to do some mini-events throughout the month to celebrate. The first event we're going to throw is a simple fishing tournament.

The event in question will take place at the Tambry Docks in the Bulkward district. (You'll know where it is by me standing there, haha, but essentially it's the wooden dock sticking out on the River Tam on the East/Southeast side of town).

All who want to participate are welcome and there is no admission fee for the tournament!

1st Place will receive a special fishing-related prize (#of Salmon and # of Regular Fish caught, no puffers or junk counted!)

There will also be a special prize for the person who fishes the most 'junk' out!

So reel 'em in and head on out to Tambry!

What: Fishing tournament
When: Sunday April 5, 2015 1:00pm EST
Where: Tambry Docks
What to Bring: Yourself and your best fishing rod!

Remember, use /warp highlight to get there!


I know family is skyping for Easter and all. Hope I don't miss it.

Would like to add that everybody fishing will be added to our mcmmo party, which should result in a massive fishing skill party! The more people show up to fish, the faster we all level up!


Faith prevail
Retired Staff
Due to a lack of interest, or scheduling complications. We're pushing it back a few hours, to 4 pm EST. Morgan (Anti) will now be running it since I have work.


Prizes updated:
1st) Enchanted Fishing Rod, 6 pack of beer, and 64 iron blocks
2) Water Breathing Potion, enchanted leather armor set
3) cooked fish, potato, punch 1 book
Most Junk: russian vodka.

the more people we get, the faster all our mcmmo fishing levels will go up as well!

Starting in 40 minutes!


Doge Keeper
10/10 Fishing experience- Was seriously a lot of fun and I do hope to see more of these! Hopefully with less exploding Hazrins though.


The Brainz
Retired Staff
It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. If you have anymore fishing tourney's you can count me IN.

Taelyn Adelei Saeradan

Lord of Altera
11/10 would fish again. It was a very nice event, very chill. The most exciting parts were when I poisoned myself an inch from death when I ate a pufferfish and when Hazrin blew up.

Suggestion: Maybe you could have gold, silver, and bronze trophies. (Flowers or something renamed in an anvil.)
Also, maybe you could do it "tournament" style. Like this:
special diagram
Last edited:


Thanks all. I view the event as a wild success. We will continue to hold "mini-events" all month in Tambry to celebrate the highlight status, and we will definitely do the fishing tournament again in the future!

Edit: this coming saturday is the April Market Event!