Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Temp] Maurice of Renatus


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Name: Maurice of Renatus
Age: Early twenties.
Appearance: Of a comfortable weight, so to say, he's a little chubby. A bit taller than usual, he can come off as informal sort; which is rather true.
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Race: Human
Clothing/Hygiene: Some lovely silks, and on this occasion in particular, comfortable furs to ward off the cold.
Special Skills: I suppose if he had one outstanding skill, it would be that he's good at having a good time. Otherwise, he's not a bad shot with a bow, as he tends to frequent hunts and the accompanying feasts. As well as, he's a rudimentary understanding of the use of a sword, but has not practiced in years nor is he of particularly suitable physique for a melee.

Backstory: Second son of a wealthy Renatian family. He was raised from a young age with the sword, but quickly showed more natural skill at the diplomatic arts. Thus he only participated in spars with the young aspiring knights so long as he had to, to keep up appearances. This current expedition is going to be his first trip to a foreign court wherein he is expected to get something important accomplished.