Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Temps for a violent event


Lord of Altera
Yeah, a typical caravan-robbery thing, 7th december, sunday 17:00 EST. I need at least 10-12 people for it. Like 6-8 needed merchant temps, and 2-4 guards. If you're in for it post here and tell me the role you want to play, I'll hit you up on details. :heart:

This event is not publically known of course so the only expected participants are going to be the robbers and the caravaners.

Thanks to all!
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The Courier

Lord of Altera
I assume the guards shall have the better armor than the attackers if you're going for a bandit raid. Expect to have to use numbers on the bandit/robber sides to get past. I'd propose the caravan guards would hold chainmail and arming swords/spears, possibly wooden round shields. Bandits to have woodsman cutting axes, hatchets, spears, maybe the leader owns an arming sword.

Otherwise, I'd enjoy signing up as a guard. I have to use a temp as Landir's a Knight and has little need to involve himself with non-Lavoyard affairs.


Lord of Altera
I can play a temp- I'll be whatever you need most! Anything from bandit, guard, merchant, or merchant leader will work. Just let me know!


Lord of Altera
Yeah, I realized my math sucks, I've been jumbling things up a bit yesterday, I was tired x)