Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Terra - The zombie hunter


Name: Lark Terravius
Nickname/Alias: Terra
Age: Unknown, probably in his 30s
Gender: Male
Height: 150 cm
Weight: 90 kg
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Black
Skin: White
Identifying Marks: None
Appearance: Short, gruff look
Strengths: Bravery, good humour
Weaknesses and fears: Afraid of zombies
Religion and cults: Follows Korigon
Profession: Farmer/Merchant
Story: Lark was born an adventurer, and if you couldn't see the adventurer in him you were probably blind. For a long time, Terra roamed the plains of the world, collecting treasure and slaying monsters, particularly zombies. One day he was ambushed by a huge swarm of zombies in a cave, and his right leg was badly injured. This injury made it difficult for him to adventure as he had previously done every day. He built a house in Heaven's Reach and has recovered from his injury, but every day he fears that the zombies are going to come and get him again...