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The Altera Survival Guide

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Sparkly purple member of the team
Okay, your boat to your shinny new town is on the list.
Let me know when I can visit again to see how it's going. :)


Lord of Altera
This is genius! We should put the entire version in the ToC, might show if new players actually have read it.


Mod Alailanible, this is very nice I will deffinatly be using this if I get whitelisted and my reason why I commented, What is your texture pack, I really like it?


Sparkly purple member of the team
I'm a very fresh moderator. I've only been one for a day so I'm still trying on my shoes. I'll take a look at your application but I will leave the decision to one of the "seniors". :p


Lord of Altera
Alaila, how did you actually become a moderator? No-one seems to tell anyone the criteria for mod/admin status!

P.S admins, I'm NOT asking to be promoted!, only just asking how you earn one.


Sparkly purple member of the team
Alaila, how did you actually become a moderator? No-one seems to tell anyone the criteria for mod/admin status!

P.S admins, I'm NOT asking to be promoted!, only just asking how you earn one.
I bribed them with food.

*Alaila looks serious*
Pumpkin cookie?

I'm kidding, i'm kidding.
I don't know if i can really answer your question.
I think they look for people who they can trust and that are usually helpful.
I felt honored that they thought of me for the "job", but i really don't know what made them do it.
I think it had something to do with me running around trying to roleplay with everyone... :p


Lord of Altera
OK, thanks. That's really helpful. I'm trying to earn admin status 'coz it's getting a bit boring being an ordinary peasant.


King ForumStalker
OK, thanks. That's really helpful. I'm trying to earn admin status 'coz it's getting a bit boring being an ordinary peasant.
If its "boring" just walking arounbd roleplaying and playing the game as its supposed to be played then you need to find something else to do.


Loyal Servant of Altera
If you go to Fort Silver airdocks (20) you will land here:
View attachment 3656
As soon as you step out of the hot air ballon that got you there you see this handy notice board telling you where all the airships are.

View attachment 3657

If you go to the temporal tower you will find magical portals. So far the only one that it's active it's Uthrandir's and it looks like this.

View attachment 3658

cool in the picture it says GoldenBuddha entered the realm :)

Okay, so you spent some time traveling around and seeing the towns you might be interested in and finally you made your choice. So how do you become part of the town?
You need to talk to the mayor or one of the town's assistants. To find out who these people are type /town (Name of the town). For exemple /town Shipwreckcove or /town Uthrandir . If you are unsure how a town's name is spelled type /town list and you will get this on your screen:
View attachment 3659
To see all the towns just press T like you do everytime you want to type something in the chat window and you'll be able to see this:

View attachment 3660

Now just copy the name of the city exactly like its on the list and you'll be able to see who you have to speak to. But is this person online?
Lets find out by pressing the tab key on your keyboard.

View attachment 3661
Something like this will appear. Those are the people online at the moment.
If one of the people you wish to talk to is online you can send them a message in game by typing /msg (name of the person) (message), like this /msg Alailanible Oh my god your cakes are so good.
You can also whisper to them by typing @name message. For exemple @alailanible Your stew is the best thing I have ever tasted in my life.


The White Mage
Quick idiot questio, if i may ask it! Where can i earn/ see how much money (Radions) i have? Do i have to apply to live in a village/town first?


The original mute
/money is the command to see ow many radiants you have. To get money you can do several things, vote for hollowworld, sell resources that are in demand, do quests and that's it.


The White Mage
Also, second quick idiot question if i may: i cant find myself on the dynamic map. i look at where my co-ordinates say i am, nothing there... look around the whole map, nothing there. This only happened after i went to the Sorrowlands, now i cant find myself or the boat to return home.
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