Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artificer


Retired Staff
For most goods, one can go to a merchant. For custom items, visiting a smith may be necessary. But when an item needs to last centuries, when quality is of the greatest importance, and when matters of legacy are at hand, only the Artificer can provide.

With truly unmatched skill across an array of disciplines, all manner of items may be created. Even novel inventions can be wrought- treasures never seen yet in the world.

Crowns to rule an empire. Swords to shatter opposing blades. Jewelry as fine as spider silk.

These services come at a cost. The Artificer is discerning: each order comes with a bespoke price. That is, if the Artificer chooses to accept the job.

When you wish to lay your hands on an item of unparalleled quality, you know who to contact.


Retired Staff
Is this more april fools
No I legitimately am the best RP item crafter on the server, and I've done actual transactions of many many moneys for the items I make. They're true luxury goods that indicate the wealth and power of the owner. There's a small pool of these items because Vorar's discerning about what jobs to take.


Hi [Unsuspecting Comment], I'm Jazzper
Vorar is basically for when you need a specific thing others can't make, or just need a special luxury item.
Hence why his prices are way up, because he doesn't "just" craft "day to day" items such as mundane tools, armour, etc.

Vorar'll be fine charging a big sum because he mainly caters to the rich wanting a specific item.
Jazzper can back me up on this as a fellow member of the Smith Union.
Already on it bb :p


The Green One
Retired Staff
Once region stuff is done with, I'll see if I can't interest Vorar in a crafting project.


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Vorar could have a show on the History channel where he just makes random shit