Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Artwork of a Ghost

It seems that ghost has just... seen a ghost YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH....

I don't know where I was going with this I'm sorry I like the drawing

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Unintentionally, your post has some point after all sparky~

HEY YOU. Go check out sparky's art thread. Now I know that if you're here, reading this, that means there's a high chance you visit his thread from time to time, which is great, because you get to see all the wonderful art that he creates. Even better if you left a like or 10.... But what I really want you to do, is leave some feedback, which will in turn, make you the most wonderful person ever, and feedback can simply be commenting on your favourite part of a drawing that he's done (for example, in his most recent drawing, the eyes were my favourite :3 So kawaiiiii)

So yeah, you should do that :3

Edit: AND OF COURSE HE DISAGREES. Don't listen to sparky, he don't know what he's saying ;)

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff

dacoutts is amazing.
Here's the colab we did together :heart:

dacosty part 4 with background .jpg

And I'd like to apologize for not getting onto the list of requests I need to do
Again, I'm getting to it! But colabs, where people take time out of their day to seek me out, gain special attention~
And if you want an explanation of how we drew this together, just ask :3