Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Cursed Rose


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Well... yeah... Making another character. Maybe this time I'll stay with it. :D

This character has a dual personality and each persona doesn't know that they are the other, so I will be doing two bios. In my third post will be an explanation of it.

Not sure if I'll do a back-story with this one.

Name: Reylani Sano
Nickname/Alias: Possibly Rey
Age: 26
Gender: I am obligated to select Female.
Race: Human
Height: 178cm
Weight: 64kg
Hair: Nice clean red hair that is loosely tied in the back by a gold band.
Eyes: Is blind, never opens them. (le gasp)
Skin: Semi-Tanned white, smooth as a baby's bottom, skin
Identifying Marks: She always wears a white cloak with a sapphire center piece and green shirt and shorts underneath. And sandals.
Appearance: She seems like a perfectly innocent woman with a kind aura about her. She is normally calm in most situations and helps people who have been wronged.
Strengths: Being blind, she has trained her other senses to be heightened which makes her very observant, also this makes it a bit harder for enemies to read her movements. She prefers fighting with swords (her own sword is a very thin diamond sword with odd holes in it that create a whistling noise that is meant to confuse the enemy) but if certain criteria is met (explained more in 3rd post) she is able to use minor magic.
Weaknesses and fears: Afraid of a world where people are constantly wronged and ruled by evil. She herself isn't that strong so she uses a very sharp and thin sword which is not good at all for guarding and since she depends on speed and flexibility to fight she doesn't wear much heavy armor.
Religion and cults: Thyrein
Profession: Prophet of Thyrein, but does it wrong (explained in 3rd post)


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
2nd Persona, This one is evil :D

Name: Delphine Vral
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 178cm (seems taller though due to her headdress)
Weight: 64kg
Hair: Red but tends to hold it all under her headdress so only a little is visible.
Eyes: (this one isn't blind... somehow...) Very light amber eyes.
Skin: A very pale white.
Identifying Marks: Always wears a long purple dress with a pale cape. Also a purple funky headdress.
Appearance: Just from one look of her anyone fell a sinister feeling about her. Maybe it's just the way she dresses. Always loves a laugh (normally in other people's expense).
Strengths: She is a very talented illusionists. Her illusions not only attack people based on sight but through all of the senses. She creates illusions of monsters that attack her enemies that, although they are illusions, still cause pain by fooling the brain into thinking that it is real. (kind of like a hardcore dream).
Weaknesses and fears: She is very weak if someone were to actually find where she was hiding to create the illusions. She normally just creates illusions of herself to trick people. When she attacks with the illusions they are normally very brief because it causes much strain on her, especially when dealing with large groups of people.
Religion and cults: None
Profession: Just a general antagonist. Goes around and creates as much chaos as she can. She is fairly new to the scene and is not sided with Queen Grief yet. (possible rp moment? ;))


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
So pretty much when Reylani was born she was already forced into a life of being a prophet of Thyrein, but she grew up with a strong sense of justice and this interfered with her duties as prophet.

Thyrein (the god of balance) did not like that his name was being slandered by Reylani and saw how out of balance she was. So as punishment he gave her a curse that would balance her, a second personality that was evil to combat the side of her that was overly good.

The two personalities do not know that they are the other one. They change at random times and they just believe this to be lapses of memory.

Though Reylani does have the ability to use magic, it is directly connected to Thyrein's will. So, she is only able to access more powerful spells if it would help keep balance in the world. She has no access whatsoever to healing spells due to Thyrein's belief that struggle will lead to growth and balance.

Pretty much this character is a giant hypocrite.


Lord of Altera
Very cool. It sounds alot like my character, except the personalities know about eachother.
~*Gemini FTW*~


Legend of Altera
daaammm its like you are in a war with another spirit that is also in your body
talk about 2 souls in one package of KICK ASS


The Very Best, That No One Ever Was
Soon to come:

The Diary of Delphine Vral
The Journal of Reylani Sano