Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Eldest Mermaid


Lord of Altera

Name: Abbey
Nickname/Alias: Abbey (abbeyvie)​
Age: Ageless​
Gender: Female​
Race: Mermaid/Siren​
Height: 5'8​
Weight: 120​
Hair: Blonde (part is on the side with bangs running over the face)​
Eyes: Blue​
Skin: (Upper Body) Fair with no tan lines, (Lower Body) Scaly, purple​
Strengths: Swimming, singing, cooking (makes a good seaweed soup), fishing​
Weaknesses and fears: Wizards and Shadow, being tortured half in the water half out.​

Part 1: The Habitual Storm
The hours of darkness were chilly and blustery. The sea was crashing against the soft, sandy shoreline of Siren’s Call. A storm was coming. A storm that comes monthly, due to this it was considered habitual.
Back in the days, when the customary day mermaid was called a siren, we would enjoy this time of month. Imprudent sailors would sail by in the process for a pirate’s life. My sisters and I would then assemble on our preferred rock and resonate our siren song. Monthly we would watch them collide the boats into rocks for the simple glance at us. After the moment their ships sink, heads would approach the surface and we would attack. Back in those days, we would devour any mortal that dared come to us.

As we sat brushing our hair, waiting for that stormy night when sailors become our next meal.

Part 2: The Mortal
Of course, sometimes mortals would not care to die for us. We were to beauties of the seas, no man could resist, most of the time. Since us mermaids of Sirens_Call were on a diet of human flesh, more mortals would come and see. No mortals would die, so the tale of existing mermaids spread. My sisters and I thought about mortals in different ways. Bewpy hated mortals as they were bugs due to be squashed. Blue protected most mortals and loved several men (not at once though :p). As I did not hate mortals, I did not cling to them. I would keep my thoughts to myself. I did crush on one mortal, and that mortal would die if any of my sisters heard. That mortal's name was Ploot. He would visit me when my dear sisters would leave, and I am afraid for his safety.

Back when we weren't on a diet, remains of mortals would rest on the bottom of the sea floor.

Part 3: Alone
The day seemed quite and peaceful as the waves crashed softly against the shore, but it seemed too quite. Where were my sisters? They were here yesterday. My heart was going into panic as I screamed, "Blue, Bewpy, where are you?" I swam across the island three times with no sight of my sisters. What had happened after I went to rest? It is uncommon for my sisters to just leave without telling where they went. I felt like crying, for I was the eldest with no clue where her siblings had gone. I had failed my mother's request to protect my sisters. I swam to the nearest rock and sang the song for help.

This is me, crying and singing the saddest song to be ever heard. (My hair is black here because I was letting magic control my emotions so it turned my hair black temporarily)
Part 4: Obsidian Heart
I had lost the most important thing to a mermaid, her siblings. I do not know why they grew upset and left. I was to stay strong, except how was a mermaid to stay strong alone. My heart was no longer open anymore. I grew more hate for mortals and blaming them for my problems. I lost my control of hunger. My heart turned into an obsidian heart. I gave up on protecting mortals. I cried for three days, waiting for my sisters' return, but nothing came. On the beginning of the 4th day a mortal named Sushi stop by to see if I was okay. I wasn't and even though Sushi was my friend, I devoured him as a cold bloodthirsty monster. I miss Sushi.

Crying for three days and three nights. (Emotional magic changed my tail color.)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I've got to kill Blue. Or come up with some solution as to why i'm coming back. c: