Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The end of an imperial tale


Lord of Altera
The Holy city Burns.JPG

The worst happened... Our sun was covered in darkness.

The pristine city of Harlaus lies in ruins. It's population either fled, became traitors or died defending the one true faith of the Sun God. Buildings lie burning, corpses rotting and statues befouled, marble roads are ridden with holes and even the Great White Cathedral, the seat of our entire history, has been defiled by heretics and murderers. The Golden Throne lies crushed to the ground, and only a glimmer of hope remains. But fear not, for this is not the end of the Crusade. The former knights, eight by their number, are planning their return...

Though dead by a mysterious plague, the highest of the Lion's nobles, including the mighty Lion Emperor himself, came back from a pilgrimage to a land of auld, only to find darkness and war. battles were raging, even in the heart of the once great empire. Our undying Lord, Harateth, suffered a terrible blow from Rahas and his peasantry.

However, while the Lion died, the Faithful must and will live on...
The Order of the fallen Light shall rise from the ashes of the Empire, and the Sun God shall live within our hearts and souls, while we await his return...



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