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The end of an imperial tale


Lord of Altera
I wonder what he is going to do if Rahas actually took some of Harateth's powers... You know his eyes were unnaturally glowing ;), or if the new sun/justice god is not pleased at him helping haratteth >>


Lord of Altera
I wonder what he is going to do if Rahas actually took some of Harateth's powers... You know his eyes were unnaturally glowing ;), or if the new sun/justice god is not pleased at him helping haratteth >>
idk, what I know is that our belief in harateth is now two years old, that's something... ;)


Based on what?
Retired Staff
I thought that was a possiblity as well.
I understand why someone who has missed alot would be upset at harabro's death.
But... really?

Well no, even I, who didnt really fight Hated to watch Haraheth die.

RIP Harabro
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