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The Fae Language


Lord of Altera
I'd make Fae a little like a romance langauge, because it has a natural feel to it, which would make a lot of sense to me at least.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
Im not particularly interested in it being like Elven. other than the connection to Shalherana, I don't see much similarity between caparii and elven cultures. the caparii names do sometimes seem elven, but at the same time...

ehhh. Idk. why not, right?

as for the goat sounds... caparii have the upper part of a human, and while I understand that would have nothing to do with limitations on their biology...
caparii can speak other languages perfectly, and other races can speak fae perfectly. incorporating nonhuman sounds into fae would not only be difficult to translate into english letters, but also might violate rp.
Unless you intend to completely ignore the current Caparii and Elf lore, then yeah, Forest Elves and Caparii are very similar xD
A Caparii's anatomy also varies- Yes, some of them have entirely human faces, but some of them do not, and this would definitely make a difference in their language. Don't forget about the subcultures and what effect they would make, too. I doubt the Red dialect would be particularly smooth and fluid.

As for violating RP, it... Wouldn't. There are people in the southern hemisphere that communicate with guttural clicks and other alien noises, and they're still human, as far as I can tell. I'm not saying Caparii should speak like dolphins, but I think you're drastically over-egging their inclusion into society.
If Caparii's were RPed correctly, only the Lighthoofs would have an easy time integrating into 'civilised' society, which again would have a huge effect on the language.