Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Faith of Draco..


I think I might like it here
Draco, walks into his private room, closing the door, behind him he slowly lights a candle and walks to the small makeshift alter he has built in the corner of his room, he could still hear the men hard at work building the keep outside, but he had to take a few moments to himself he seems confused a bet and struck with fear he is troubled and worried.

He slowly places his hands on his neck pulling out two holy symbol's that are attached to a chain around his neck, that are hidden under his shirt. One was the symbol of the Sun God(Harateth) the other was the Symbol of The God of Slaughter(Kilrox)....

He starts a chant to The God of Slaughter first, as he places the symbol in the altar.

Great Sword, Slaughter in all your glory
hear me as I honor you
Dark have been my dreams of late
Of secret doubt and secret fear
A thousand years have passed away
To lay down doom and terror

To north ride on, a thousand Men
On Horse with bloody blades
They take the storm and power
Of the Brigade through the world

Fire and Ice, the banner's fly
It is a good day to kill!
Painted red is Earth and sky
Even Kings shall bow down
Hail War Ruler of Earth

He starts to go in a trance remembering past events..

"The night-sky shows nothing but clouds, the distance gives hints of flickering lights and lingering fog. Destruction, the screams of women, men and children can be heard echoing through the distance, being carried together with the well familiar scent of blood and rotten flesh, torn bodies, wrecked lives and villages. They're sacrifices. Obstacles; who are to be removed. Orders are shouted across the fields, cutting through the sound of clashing steel and desperate screams as a blade through the weak flesh.

"The deadly eye of Draco watches as his small band wreck havoc in the small village, a old wicked looking Sarjent steps closer to Draco's horse ''Sir, the deed is done we are collecting the survivors they shall do good within our numbers they survived the onslaught..'' Draco looks at him nodding his head as he rides on, he reach a line of his men a couple leading villagers in a long chain. Draco says ''Bathe them in the blood of there family's let them watch as you enslave there women and slaughter there children, who does not follow us shall have there souls consumed by the God of Slaughter..'' he looks around as he sees his men cutting the stomachs of dead corpse pulling there insides and dropping them on the heads of the surviving villagers. "

He snaps out of his trace.

"I have served I have tried to do your work as I promised when I took my oath to you after the battle of Das Boot, you had saved me that day.."

He then takes the symbol out and places the Sun Gods on the alter and starts to chant again.

Great sun, wheel of fire, in your glory,
hear me as I honor you
on this, the shortest day of the year.
Summer has gone, passed us by,
the fields are dead and cold,
all of earth sleeps in your absence.
Even in the darkest times,
you light the way for those who would need a beacon,
of hope, of brightness,
shining in the night.
Winter is here, and colder days coming,
the fields are bare and the livestock thin.
We light these candles in your honor,
that you might gather your strength
and bring life back to the world.
O, mighty sun above us,
we ask you to return, to bring back to us
the light and the warmth of your fire.
Bring life back to earth,
Bring light back to earth.
Hail Sun Ruler of earth

He starts to go in a trance remembering past events..

"He recalls in his childhood, the temples the structures, his mother his father himself his worship, and of course his Clerical training in the priesthood of the Sun.."

He snaps out of it..

"Great Gods, bliss this ignorant, confused child of yours with your wisdom I walk a fine line between you two Great Ones, for I do not wish to pick sides, I do not wish to lose one of you as I have great faith in both, for without you I would not be who I am today. I beg of you O Great Ones to let this poor servant of yours continue to ask for both your blessings and understanding.
Show me the way O'Great Ones."