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The First Hunt


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
In the Days of Tranquility, many generations past, we lived in empires that had reached the sky. The Earth, the Heavens, the Seas, and the Sun. They were ours to control, they served at our beck and call. All but the Spy, She of Starlight.

We thought ourselves Gods, in the Lands of the Godless.

Then the Great Blackness came, and the fiery demons of the Sun plummeted from the Heavens, the Spy turned her gaze, and the Earth became cold and refused our offerings. We wasted away, sons of the Godless Lands, for holy might may never substitute food or clean water. We began to die, one by one, and then became as Black as the Heavens had become in their disgust.

We learned that there were no Gods on the Godless Lands, only the Powers, and for our insolence the Mightier Ones turned away from us, for we had thought that we had grown powerful enough to not need those that had nurtured us since time had begun to turn. They placed the Blackness upon those of us that soiled the work of the Mightier Ones, those that crafted Sins and imbued their flesh with them. We were destined to face the scorching judgement of the Sun, to be swallowed by the Earth, to be blinded by the Heavens, and for the Spy to reveal all of the secrets She had seen of our Sins.

Then, at the darkest hour of the Great Blackness, the Call rang clear. The Patatas, the First Tribe, began to pray for the Spy to tell the Mightier Powers of our repentance. How we would purify those who had the Blackness bestowed unto them. We began the First Hunt. Seeking those who had Sinned but refused to repent, we cut them down, until there were only those who wished to repeal the Blackness that stained their Soul upon the Mounds of the Heavens. Around these Purified lands, there were continued to Hunt, with those weapons the Earth had allowed us so long ago. Spear, Bow, Axe, Knife, Poison, the weapons of our forefathers before the Tranquility, before we grew contented with the Ways of Old.

Such was the First Hunt, and so we repent for fear of the return of the Great Blackness.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Mythology fer a culture in a world m'very slowly coming up with inside my head. Jingoistic holy barbarians who live in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi/fantasy Appalachian mountains.

who also don't realize that they call their venerated ancestors potatoes