Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished The First Meeting


Dark Council Elite

Seeing as though this is a private event 6 hours before yours and neither of our events are summonings, do you mind if I plop this event right here on this Saturday at 2 PM CST?


Dark Council Elite
If it's private why d'ya need to post a forum thread?

Like... what's the point? >_>
For a static, across-all known date and time for the event.

The people invited don't know who else is invited IC or OOC (with one exception, who plays two of the characters)


Dark Council Elite
Well, was going to note this is bumped back to tomorrow, but I'm not positive if it'll be a thing. Apparently I'm banned now. Whee.


Dark Council Elite
I can probably make it I guess. How do I get to Dracor?
If you wish to RP Vorar's arrival- We'll probably be hosting the meeting portion of the event tomorrow ala Michcat's suggestion and Lannis being on a flight, but you're welcome to hop on and get settled in yer room and RP with the few that are arriving today. I believe Michcat said yes to event teleports since there's no dockmaster.


Dark Council Elite
For the people-

Take your time arriving; unless everybody is magically on at the same time tonight, it's highly likely we'll be doing the actual meeting part of the event tomorrow. However, you're all free to arrive as you please- the easiest way to get here is to take the dockmaster to Wintermourne and travel West along the coast until you hit a shipwreck, and then turn inland and go straight.

There are rooms prepared for all of the guests and a lot of accommodations such as a tavern and a heating system to entertain and keep the guests comfortable. I'll be here IC for the rest of the day, probably.
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