Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Frostguardian (Rex Chevalier Lonmar)


Lord of Altera
With words of death on tip of tongue
Cries of mercy his prisoners sung
His mind was bold as it was cold
Far away His soul was flung
Ere the break of a great sorrow
His enemies prayed for a good tomorrow
What happened was never said for they were dead
Death did not need to ask to borrow
To fight Him His enemies were timid
His armor and sword were gold and gilded
Shining bright, but shrouded in death and night
A foundation of darkness He had builded
A challenge, a foolish man had durst
One of the last he was, as was the first
The fool’s desire was engulfed by His ire
Upon His swing the fool’s body had dispersed
In his wake there is always a flood
But water it is not but red tides of blood
Souls to reap and corpses tossed in a heap
Claret seeped from the pile and became thick as mud
His keep in far lands north and frozen
Far too cold was why twas chosen
Enemies would freeze and were ill at ease
Confined he would leave them to incarcerated corrosion
Feel free to sing this while you’re in the Lamb. Is he really that powerful, that scary? Who knows, but maybe it'll make your character think twice.