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The Gift of Giving - CLOSED!


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
Clad in his silvery-grey and green regalia, the golden-eyed elf approaches the box with an inquisitorial gaze in his eyes, having just finished work at the nearby White Willow hospital. Noting the electric excitement pervading the atmosphere of the tavern, he takes a few minutes to ascertain the root of this excitement, coming to the same conclusion as many others had before him. Not one to seek personal favour or gain, Daeron pauses for a moment, before writing down a small wish on a scroll of parchment, in emerald green ink, afore moving to add it to the rest.

"My lady, Shalherana, has had a rough go of it recently- losing her highest ranking faithful as well as the far more crucial and devastating loss of Archon and Life. Therefore, to grant her some solace in these dark days, I ask that you keep the memory of Archon, his fallen blade, safe from those who would desecrate it further. All the best, you otherworldly entity of unknown origin."


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Clad in his silvery-grey and green regalia, the golden-eyed elf approaches the box with an inquisitorial gaze in his eyes, having just finished work at the nearby White Willow hospital. Noting the electric excitement pervading the atmosphere of the tavern, he takes a few minutes to ascertain the root of this excitement, coming to the same conclusion as many others had before him. Not one to seek personal favour or gain, Daeron pauses for a moment, before writing down a small wish on a scroll of parchment, in emerald green ink, afore moving to add it to the rest.

"My lady, Shalherana, has had a rough go of it recently- losing her highest ranking faithful as well as the far more crucial and devastating loss of Archon and Life. Therefore, to grant her some solace in these dark days, I ask that you keep the memory of Archon, his fallen blade, safe from those who would desecrate it further. All the best, you otherworldly entity of unknown origin."
+ A sympathetic hand upon his shoulder, but the parchment is not accepted. It folds up into a little paper flower, instead. +


Lord of Altera
She/Her, They/Them
Maple had spotted the strange box while making a visit to Storm's to get indigo, stopping in her tracks and observing it for quite a bit, even going so far as making a little sketch in her trademark red book. She shrugs, never being one to think before she acts, and tears out a piece of sketch paper- bearing a charcoal sketch of a dragon on the back. With a lopsided smile on her face, she writes in messy, scrawled charcoal- legible, but not pretty by any means:

"I wish for a cloak that can make me glide! Just for a little bit, though, you don't have to go all-out. Like a few seconds at a time. In return you can have this dragon I drew. Her name is Birch. ~ Maple"


Bird, Knows What's Good
Retired Staff
Thryss shows up with a folded parchment ready. She thinks of her missing hand, the long restless hours of strife, before moving to deposit the slip.

"Shiny new bells, for Foxbells, please. -TMV"


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
Asero would give the box a careful look, examining it from all sides. He'd seen folks slipping in pieces of parchment over the past day or so, so he knew the procedure. Still, it was an oddity - a curious opportunity. Was it... arcane? Divine? He wasn't quite sure, but these sorts of happenings tended to tie into one of the two sides eventually. He considered, before shrugging. Sometimes things were better without an explanation.

He took out his sketchbook and wrote what came to mind first, something he'd longed for. Tearing that piece of the page out and folding it neatly, he eyed the box - would it be accepted? He slipped it into the slot, waiting to find out.

"I wish for a shield of steel to use in battle. One that would remember the battles I find victory in and etch them into its surface in detail. It would become... a living tapestry of my fights - something I could pass down to Luna." - Asero Crow


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Maple had spotted the strange box while making a visit to Storm's to get indigo, stopping in her tracks and observing it for quite a bit, even going so far as making a little sketch in her trademark red book. She shrugs, never being one to think before she acts, and tears out a piece of sketch paper- bearing a charcoal sketch of a dragon on the back. With a lopsided smile on her face, she writes in messy, scrawled charcoal- legible, but not pretty by any means:

"I wish for a cloak that can make me glide! Just for a little bit, though, you don't have to go all-out. Like a few seconds at a time. In return you can have this dragon I drew. Her name is Birch. ~ Maple"
+ The parchment floats around a bit, before ultimately being accepted. +

Thryss shows up with a folded parchment ready. She thinks of her missing hand, the long restless hours of strife, before moving to deposit the slip.

"Shiny new bells, for Foxbells, please. -TMV"
+ There is the soft ringing of bells, and the parchment is accepted. +

Asero would give the box a careful look, examining it from all sides. He'd seen folks slipping in pieces of parchment over the past day or so, so he knew the procedure. Still, it was an oddity - a curious opportunity. Was it... arcane? Divine? He wasn't quite sure, but these sorts of happenings tended to tie into one of the two sides eventually. He considered, before shrugging. Sometimes things were better without an explanation.

He took out his sketchbook and wrote what came to mind first, something he'd longed for. Tearing that piece of the page out and folding it neatly, he eyed the box - would it be accepted? He slipped it into the slot, waiting to find out.

"I wish for a shield of steel to use in battle. One that would remember the battles I find victory in and etch them into its surface in detail. It would become... a living tapestry of my fights - something I could pass down to Luna." - Asero Crow
+ A 'hmm', a solid maybe. Accepted into the box. +


Lord of Altera
Theodosius tries again, after giving it some more thought.

“If it is agreeable to you, O’ Box, I’d like something for my beloved Akmavei. She’s a librarian by trade, as well as a teacher. Perhaps a quilled pen that never runs out of ink? Or a messenger’s case that’s larger in the inside than it is on the outside— she’s always carrying quite a few books. I’m not sure, I’ve never been good at gifts; I submit the specifics to your best judgement.”

“- Yours, Theodosius.”


Lord of Altera
Kopii appears one random evening and peeks at the box, he then does the ritual of slipping a letter with blue ink into the box with a smile after having watched others do the same.

"May I have a small gemstone charm that changes color dependent on the mood of the person I'm speaking with? I hope that's okay."


The Green One
Retired Staff
Agnar moves through the crowds at the docks, whistling a tune as he goes. The crowd before the box especially catches his eye. Moving through the group of people gathered, he reads over the simply stated card.
He curses briefly, not usually a carrier of paper or writing supplies. After rushing off to procure such implements, he returns and moves up the box. Using a stick of charcoal he begins to scrawl, in child-like handwriting his wish. Many words are misspelled, and the letters are misshapen.
Before placing it in the box, he gives a sheepish grin. "Not much for writin', I'm afraid. I jus' want to be able to know Milah and the kids are safe, wherever they go. And that I can extend them the same courtesy.~"
He places the paper in the box, and gives the box another grin. "Thank you, kind stranger.~"

Helo, I wud lik a obgect tat wil alow myef and my der wif to kow the stats of the othr. Just to mak sur tat the othr isn't injurd or ded. If it be a ring, mind the webing of my der, lovly wif. *He has drawn a small heart here.* :heart:

Hello, I would like an object that will allow myself and my dear wife to know the status of the other. Just to make sure that the other isn't injured or dead. If it will be a ring, mind the webbing of my dear, lovely, wife. :heart:


Lord of Altera
From the skies, descend a black feathered makani who once frequented this city. His feathers bear white streaks and his eyes, blue rings. Upon approaching the box and the crowd gathered all around, he realizes what this is all about. Waiting patiently in line, Reivos hastens his script on provided parchment. He deposits his parchment with his admirably legible chicken scratch:

"I, Reivos Po'Makani, wish for a trinket I can hold in my talons that may summon or clear a rainstorm in my general area."

The makani submits his parchment to the box.


Lord of Altera
She/Her, They/Them
In the dead of night, a sleepless ginger stumbles upon the box. She hesitates for a moment before scratching something on parchment and depositing it in the box.

"I wish for a companion, maybe a fox? Just a creature to stick by my side through everything, so I never have to feel alone again. ~ Cassia"


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Theodosius tries again, after giving it some more thought.

“If it is agreeable to you, O’ Box, I’d like something for my beloved Akmavei. She’s a librarian by trade, as well as a teacher. Perhaps a quilled pen that never runs out of ink? Or a messenger’s case that’s larger in the inside than it is on the outside— she’s always carrying quite a few books. I’m not sure, I’ve never been good at gifts; I submit the specifics to your best judgement.”

“- Yours, Theodosius.”
+ A hum, and the parchment is accepted. +

Kopii appears one random evening and peeks at the box, he then does the ritual of slipping a letter with blue ink into the box with a smile after having watched others do the same.

"May I have a small gemstone charm that changes color dependent on the mood of the person I'm speaking with? I hope that's okay."
+ The parchment is accepted. +

Agnar moves through the crowds at the docks, whistling a tune as he goes. The crowd before the box especially catches his eye. Moving through the group of people gathered, he reads over the simply stated card.
He curses briefly, not usually a carrier of paper or writing supplies. After rushing off to procure such implements, he returns and moves up the box. Using a stick of charcoal he begins to scrawl, in child-like handwriting his wish. Many words are misspelled, and the letters are misshapen.
Before placing it in the box, he gives a sheepish grin. "Not much for writin', I'm afraid. I jus' want to be able to know Milah and the kids are safe, wherever they go. And that I can extend them the same courtesy.~"
He places the paper in the box, and gives the box another grin. "Thank you, kind stranger.~"

Helo, I wud lik a obgect tat wil alow myef and my der wif to kow the stats of the othr. Just to mak sur tat the othr isn't injurd or ded. If it be a ring, mind the webing of my der, lovly wif. *He has drawn a small heart here.* :heart:

Hello, I would like an object that will allow myself and my dear wife to know the status of the other. Just to make sure that the other isn't injured or dead. If it will be a ring, mind the webbing of my dear, lovely, wife. :heart:
+ There is a pause, somehow, the parchment tilts this way and that before there is a 'Ah'. And it is accepted. +

From the skies, descend a black feathered makani who once frequented this city. His feathers bear white streaks and his eyes, blue rings. Upon approaching the box and the crowd gathered all around, he realizes what this is all about. Waiting patiently in line, Reivos hastens his script on provided parchment. He deposits his parchment with his admirably legible chicken scratch:

"I, Reivos Po'Makani, wish for a trinket I can hold in my talons that may summon or clear a rainstorm in my general area."

The makani submits his parchment to the box.
+ The parchment is accepted. +

In the dead of night, a sleepless ginger stumbles upon the box. She hesitates for a moment before scratching something on parchment and depositing it in the box.

"I wish for a companion, maybe a fox? Just a creature to stick by my side through everything, so I never have to feel alone again. ~ Cassia"
+ There is a hum, a sifting through the box, and then a sigh. It is accepted. +


Lord of Altera
Kaelin approached the small box clad in his bronze cloak, he looked around at the people who surrounded the box. He saw the smiles upon their faces as they left with goodies from the box. He wondered what kind of magic was behind this box, was some divine force behind all this or perhaps a generous mage. Kaelin starred at the box with a neutral expression before reaching into his satchel and producing a parchment.

Once finished writin he folded the parchment in half and placed it within the box giving it a small tap. Written in Aurion the parchment would read.

"I Kaelin B. Cerridwen wish for a replica of my father's longsword, the one that was used to help protect Arget's citizens in its fall. I however would like to alter it in one small way if possible. I wish for its metal to come from space. My father and I both shared an interest in She Who Is Beyond Names. If you could deliver my wish to be. I’d truly be great full.”


Lord of Altera
Retired Staff
Bok'ra approaches the gift box once again the next day. Eyeing it with distrust from his two previous encounters, yet curious of its offer. He concludes not to lick it or otherwise temper with it, but still writes down a wish in multiple colours below:

"I wish for a twin necklace to be shared by my twin children. Something to remind them of their father and the all-father. One that they will always find if it is lost."

Bok'ra leaves a dead mouse as a hint of his gratitude, given to him by his imaginary friend.
Last edited:


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Kaelin approached the small box clad in his bronze cloak, he looked around at the people who surrounded the box. He saw the smiles upon their faces as they left with goodies from the box. He wondered what kind of magic was behind this box, was some divine force behind all this or perhaps a generous mage. Kaelin starred at the box with a neutral expression before reaching into his satchel and producing a parchment.

Once finished writin he folded the parchment in half and placed it within the box giving it a small tap. Written in Aurion the parchment would read.

"I Kaelin B. Cerridwen wish for a replica of my father's longsword, the one that was used to help protect Arget's citizens in its fall. I however would like to alter it in one small way if possible. I wish for its metal to come from space. My father and I both shared an interest in She Who Is Beyond Names. If you could deliver my wish to be. I’d truly be great full.”
+ A resounding hum of 'maybe'. the parchment scrunches up, then unfurls, and then is accepted with a huff. +

Bok'ra approaches the gift box once again the next day. Eyeing it with distrust from his two previous encounters, yet curious of its offer. He concludes not to lick it or otherwise temper with it, but still writes down a wish in multiple colours below:

"I wish for a twin necklace to be shared by my twin children. Something to remind them of their father and the all-father. One that they will always find if it is lost."

Bok'ra leaves a dead mouse as a hint of his gratitude, given to him by his imaginary friend.
+ There is a long pause as if it considers this to be a ruse, then the mouse gets flicked away. The parchment is shrouded in more paper before being accepted. +


One so Bereft of Light
Retired Staff
Bennett, after a brief period of reluctance and paranoia over the idea, scribes something messy with his non-dominant hand.

“I don’t know how this works. I was hoping that Maebh could still have a good relationship with the pantheon while being an Animancer. That they would think good of her still.”


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Bennett, after a brief period of reluctance and paranoia over the idea, scribes something messy with his non-dominant hand.

“I don’t know how this works. I was hoping that Maebh could still have a good relationship with the pantheon while being an Animancer. That they would think good of her still.”
+ The parchment is rejected with a hum. +