Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Girl and the Creatures


Lord of Altera
Name: Madyson Windstein
Nickname/Alias: Mady
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: Shifter/fairy
Height: Average
Weight: Skinny
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Bright Emerald green
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: Scar on the right side of her face (from her right eye to her right nostril)
Appearance: Mady is a slender figure, but very clumsy. She wears her Uthrandir robes most of the time. Her eyes glow with emerald green light.
Strengths: Interacting with creatures, Building things, Potions
Weaknesses and fears: Changing at the wrong times, shifting and never being able to return to original form, The men of the cell, awkward moments
Religion and cults: Harateth follower
Profession:Headmistress and Professor of Magical Creatures At Uthrandir

I awoke, dazed in a foreign land. There were lush green oak trees and tulips that danced in the breezy sunlight. A calm wave tickled my senses as i took in the scenery. For some reason, I was happy. Yet I started to ponder. Why was I here? Where was I before? I sat up and glanced around. More trees clustered in forming a dense forest. I heard a sudden snort and, to my dismay, a small piglet was laying next to me, fast asleep. Every snore the piglet made moved its snout like an awkward slice of jello. I reached my hand over to the piglet and stroked his back. I was to obsessed with the cute piglet to realize anything else. Then pain. Oh, so much pain. My head felt like a walnut, just about to be cracked open. I heard a scream, a woman's scream, and a man yelling. Then all I saw was black.

One must prevent ones self from being too evident. Work for the people you trust. They may say they appreciate you, but don't look any further than that. You will discover the dark truth.