Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Golden Rule- A Priceless Piece of True Art


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
This is some weird drawing of god knows what. It was discovered in an undisclosed location and I want to ask you all what you think it means, because I can't figure it out and its bugging me. My first impression was that it looked like a demon next to a girl with skinny long pink limbs covered in rainbows. It is mysteriously inscribed at the top "The Golden Rule" this is all that is known.The Golden Rule.JPG


Lord of Altera
A bear behind what appears to be a small... Child... Righty-o. I'm off to clean my uhm... Yeah...


Lord of Altera
I can interpret it as to different things:

First, it's a drawing of a "Golden Rule" (duh), with Rule meaning "Leadership". Interpret it this way, I'd imagine it as the cliche child story: Random princess finds a prince (insert dramatic storyline) and they get married and rule the land happily and live for ever after. On that train of thought, the bear/demon could be some random happy citizen under the rule, or a variant of the "Beauty and the Beast" story, only in this one he stays a beast.

The second, less likely way for me to interpret it is the Rule being a guideline to follow, a well-known artistic one is that the artist generally start with the head and then move to the rest.

*flies away*


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
The Golden Rule is something often advocated in elementary/primary schools.

"Treat others as you would treat yourself."

Regardless of differences.


The Kingdom Crusher
I guess that the bear provoked the (most likely) being that is the little girl, which switched on her red lazer force field, which would protect her from the bear's mugging. However! She didn't know bears only go away you outlive it via not starving to death first. She didn't pack her lunch, and she forgot that she can't defile the sanctity of a stare off with a bear.

The golden rule is to always pack a nice sandwich with some good ol' fashion cola.