Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Grand Re-Opening of The Honey Badger Inn and Tavern! (Also, transfer of IC ownership)


Come on down to Tambry!
I am proud to announce the grand re-opening of The Honey Badger Inn and Tavern, ran by your's truely, Ulfgar Rumnaheim! We sell beers, meads, whiskey, rum, cider, and for you non-alcoholic folk, teas! We also offer quality food to keep our guests up and at em! So come on down! We are located at the center of Tambry to the West of the fountain and to the North of the stables!
We hope to see you soon,
-Staff of The Honey Badger Inn and Tavern
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OOC Information:
I've recently talked with Archbishop and obtained the IC ownership of The Honey Badger, however the OOC ownership still belongs to Arch. I hope to provide another excellent roleplaying hotspot for the server to flock to at any time! (Hopefully to make friends, not enemies ^^; )


I'm not in tambry often but if I am soon, I will check this out!


That moment when you realize your advertisement was stolen of the crossroads message board. .-.