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The Incunabula - Demonic Assassin, Alter Ego of Zran

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Name: no known name
known as "The Incunabula"
operational for less than a month
Gender: the Demon soul within is believed to be male
Race: Demon
Height: 7'
Weight: nearly 300 lbs.
Hair: none
Eyes: blood red
Skin: netherrack red
Identifying Marks: cracks between armor plates glow red like the magma of the Demon Realm
Appearance: The Incunabula is a Demonic golem wrought of netherrack and wearing a set of complex golden armor. Its helmet reveals its blood-red eyes and part of its mouth. It speaks in a low rough voice, almost like stone grinding on stone. It has no organs other than a magma "heart" that produces heat to keep the Netherrack warm and easily moving.
Strengths: To stalk its nemesis - Zran, the Elf who created and attempted to enslave him - it is connected to him via the Demon Realm. When Zran interacts directly with another Demon or the Demon Realm itself, the Incunabula learns his location. Also, it can tap into almost any portal from its layer in the Demon Realm, making for quick movement to the most recent known location of Zran. Also, it is quite resistant to magic, and it is difficult to destroy. It is quick and agile, despite its massive size. Only Zran can destroy it for good. If anything else destroys it, it will come back into being eventually.
Weaknesses and fears: The one major weakness that the Incunabula has is its armor. It is loosely attached to the Incunabula by a substance resembling half-cooled magma. If an enemy can manage to pry off some of these armor plates, they can let go with a pickaxe and damage its warm netherrack interior, and eventually reach its magma heart. The slightest puncture or damage done to the heart will cause it to rupture violently, effectively overheating and melting the Incunabula instantly.
Religion and cults: It follows Cubey and Queen Grief, despite the fact that it spends almost all of its time trying to hunt down and destroy Zran - the one person that can take it out of existence for good, save Queen Grief and Cubey themselves.
Profession: None

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Zran created him. Zran was attempting to capture and enslave a Demon, and some unexpected Demonic energy forced his magic out, causing the Demon to take control of the Incunabula on its own.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Yeah, but I'm going to copy a lot of this information to my new character's profile, because it has many of the same characteristics. The main difference is appearance and the fact that it's spirit is much similar to that of Zran's, since the spirit is that of Zran's brother.

French Roast

Lord of Altera
Yes, sort of. It's Zran's brother's spirit in the Incunabula's armor and a different kind of stone instead of netherrack.