Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished The Knight's Den


Loyal Servant of Altera
Im a cheap worker.

Murdoc however is an upfront 1,000,000. Minimum 1,500,000 tip. Murdoc's room is 70,000.


Lord of Altera
This looks like it'd be amazing, and loads of fun. But as much as I would love to go it doesn't really fit my character's personality to go to this. I wish you luck though with your gambling and other devilish endeavors!:p


Lord of Altera
Hey beautiful folks, I have changed to time from 4 to 1 in the afternoon for PST. Click the time in the original post for the time conversion.


Lord of Altera
To all those interested in attending the grand opening night, it is tomorrow at 1pm PST. Check the time in the original post to check the converted time.


Lord of Altera
Edit of my original post. Halendar is changing and is becoming more open minded to a little naughtiness. I'm thinking he'll attend.