Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Knights Radiant


Lord of House Hawklight
Town you live in: Copper Cove technically, however I mainly act in Fort Stormblessed far in the North West. (As nether of these are official, does this count as a no immediately?)
Name of the Guild: Knights Radiant
Leader of the Guild: Me, I suppose
Purpose of the Guild: The Knights Radiant are devoted to the protection of all the is good and light in the land. They are sworn to defend innocents against the shadow and enact a powerful vengeance against those who seek to harm the kingdom. They may act as guardians of the nobility if the call is made to once again go to war against the dreaded horror. During times of relative peace such as this they merely act as travelling warriors, with no fixed location, fighting where they are needed most, banding together to defeat greater threats before once again parting ways in an eternal wait for the once to once again rage. Each Radiant must be prepared to sacrifice their life to defend the people of Hollow World, and be reborn again ready to serve once more.
Headquarters of the Guild: The Hall of the Radiants
Members of the Guild: Myself, Megadeth572, Scoobsy, Joely999, Aulus_Debawsus, Hunter_Ocato and HeadLessMonkeey
Information on the Guild: The guild can only have a maximum of nine Knights Radiant, each Knight protecting a section of the Kingdom. These Knights are powerful fighters, well versed in each art of combat, and any chosen weapon can be employed. Each Radiant is of equal rank, and decisions must be made through a democratic process of respect and honesty. The guild values justified kindness and respect, often won through combat and brave actions. Formed before the First War against the armies of Naught the Radiants served bravely and now seek to once again unite to defend the kingdom against any enemy. Often these Radiants acted as commanders of border forts where significant fighting took place, as seen in Axex, who even now seeks vengeance for those he failed to protect.