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The Leviathan Legion-Sword of the Empire


Lord of Altera
(This is a poster that would be put up in major towns across Altera, specifically The Crossroads, Le Havre and Azerport)égions.31621/ Link to main Lavoyard Army page

(Crest of the Legion)

The Leviathan Legion-Sword of the Empire

“Pour l'Empire nous sommes”
To some joining an army is to find great Glory on the battlefield, to some it is an opportunity to strive through the ranks and obtain power beyond description and to some it is nothing more than a grand adventure.

The people of altera we need you, for too long this land has been trapped in an endless cycle of bloodshed. No longer, the Leviathan Legion of the Empire de Turia is looking to find the best soldiers from across the world and bring order to this realm at last.

This army is a band of brothers; we are not restricted to our status but our ability and our loyalty to the throne. The army does not require you to be any religion, we will not ask you to convert to the watcher above. All we wish to see you do is fight for Honour and with valour against our enemies and those that would seek to return to chaos.

To enlist in the military Find Galdor de Bregilian in valley de Mai
Positions available : Including Centurion and Cavalry
(Pm me on the forums and we can sort it out)


Uniform: A mix of steel plate and chainmail. The plate pieces include Sabatons, Greaves, Poleyn, Gauntlets, Vambraces, Couters, Breastplates, and Helms. A steel mask adorns the helms, as well, to provide further protection to the face, without lowering mobility of the head. The mask is that of a bearded man, glaring out at the field of combat, his moustache twirled into curls.

The Legate gains a differing set of armour; Pieces are added upon the normal structure of the basic Legionnaire, or are replaced for show. The Legate wears golden Breastplate, Pauldrons, Couters, and his mask is replaced. The new mask is fitted gold in the form of a great frown, brows furrowed, and beard forked upon the end.

Weapons: The Leviathan Legion carries with them both Poleaxe and Heater Shield. A longsword hangs from a belt around their waists, in the case of disarming. On the other side of the belt hangs a small Warhammer.

Banner: A silver star upon four alternating corners of Black and Gold.


Legate: Galdor d’Bregilian


Best Regards
Galdor De Bregilian

Character Name:
Character Profession:
Religious Alignment:
Political Alignment (Kingdom, House, Guild, Etc.):
Preferred Position in the Legion:

(Skins will be ready soon just have to get them made)

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