Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Mockers Guild


Settling in Altera
Rise of the Mockers
The peasants have always been crushed under the weight of the noble, the rich or the powerful. It was from this fiery pit a child arose, climbing out from a pit of despair, his name? The Sagacious Man. A word meaning shrewd and clever, an exact embodiment of what he is, in his private life he wears no mask and goes by another name, and from the whore houses of Littleborough he has accomplished much, but that private life is only a shadow. Standing tall over the shadow of his real life is the masked thief, it is everything he is and without it he is nothing but a sad lonely man. The night sky call his name, he races across the rooftops of Port Silver, or as he has coined 'Thieves Highway'. Here he is King, it is where all those that take to stealing may find their own throne to sit upon.​
It began in Altera with a man suffering from a mild case of amnesia, incapable of remembering much of where he is, who he is and why this has happened to him. He begged on the streets and slept in the gutters, but somewhere inside of him he knew he had lived like this once before, although the clothes on his back told another story, one of wealth. He was capable of reading and spent many a night in the libraries, attempting to unlock the mysteries of his past but to no avail, he was no man of recognition, a peasant, a nobody. It was not until he stumbled upon a Gypsy camp memories of his life flooded back to him, his wife, his children, his brothers of the shadow. It was indeed true, he once lived a life in the gutter but he rose to a quick and short-lived wealth, with the betrayal of his daughter he lost everything he spent his life achieving. Stormy seas attacked his ship from all sides, he and his fellow thieves had attempted to flee but his daughter would not allow his life to continue. A ship far larger and greater than the one he commandeered rammed his hull, splitting his ship in half and under the waves he was dragged. Awakening on a shoreline, his life was intact.​
A desire to regain power and wealth consumed him, he did his research and began setting about a Guild, one to rival that of his past. It was a fresh start, and with all fresh starts he adopted a new name and a new mask. He no longer wore the mask his adoptive father gave to him, he forged and carved his own, an iron mask and into the metal was carved that of a frowning man. He gathered the foundations of this guild and now he awaits, flyers at night litter the city grounds, calling all thieves to join together for some of the greatest heists in history.​
General information.

The idea of the Thieves guild is to teach those aspiring the better and more efficient ways of earning money in a dishonest way.
It also is a way of uniting pirates, thieves and bandits together in a way like there never has been before.

The guild collects profits as a whole, and then shares it out evenly. The ranks are to keep an orderly fashion within the Guild so as to avoid chaos, but also to know ones level of skill.

Guild Rules:

1. No stealing from other members of the guild. You are all working for the same goal as a team.
2. Do not do things that you're not permitted to do on behalf of the Guild.
3. If you are caught, you must swear not to give away any information about the guild.

Guild Ranking Information.

Normal Ranks:

The Sagacious Man
Above all else, the Sagacious Man leads the Guild, his officers the Daymaster and Nightmaster report directly to him. Few will know of his identity, and those that find out are to immediately be executed, regardless if you're a Master of Thieves, an Urchin or a Noble. Daymasters and Nightmasters are the only ones trusted with his real identity. He wears a mask to hide his face and rarely will he go on small missions.

Daymaster / Nightmaster
Daymaster / Nightmaster is the highest rank in the guild. The Masters must be knowledgeable in all the arts of thievery, stealth and deception. Their job is to maintain control and the day-to-day running of the guild. They are also in charge of organizing the Masters and keeping up to date.

Master of Thieves, Master of Fencers, Master of Bashers
The job of the Masters is to organize jobs for their men, keep them in line, train them and assign apprentices. They're to also assign gangs, meeting places, clients and locate businesses for potential robberies. They're to have their men keep track of the Guilds potential enemies and of the guard.

If the Day/Nightmaster position is left empty and promotion is near, you must be known as a good teacher and have an excellent understanding of the different skills and they must be just as excellent when put to practical use for a chance at such a title. Your respect and loyalty unquestionable.

Thief, Fencer, Basher
The core of the Guild. The job of the Thieves are to of course steal, pickpocket, frame and sometimes, assassinate. The Fencers take the Thieves loot and sell them so as to avoid the Thieves being caught. The percentage given to the Fencer and the Thief is up to them to decide, if it was a Guild controlled event, it is up to the Masters to decide. The Bashers are the thugs of the Guild, they intimidate, threaten and brutally kill where required. They force businesses to pay for protection and stick in groups. During missions they can act as the soldiers for the Thieves when trouble arises or things go wrong. Thieves, Fencers and Bashers will often take on apprentices assigned to them by the Masters and train them in their specialization.

The Urchins are the lowest rank in the guild. Their main duty is to probe around for information. This ranges from people disobeying the laws of the town to the times and places wealthier people will be travelling either on their own or in small groups. The Urchins are the eyes and ears of the guild. When assigned to a superior they will begin training in that profession until they're ready for promotion.

The Application

MC Name:
Why do you want to join?
How will you provide the guild and the HW community with a great RP experience?
What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc)
To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this?

[Character Questions]
RP name:

[Open Response. Answer only one depending on your preferred profession.]

You notice a woman in a thick crowd has a very unique and precious necklace adorning a diamond gem. By her side is a guard, obviously she is a merchants daughter or a noble. You've had a lacking day and as the sun goes down and the night draws in, you want to get that necklace. How would you go about stealing it?

A Thief has just handed over a precious necklace with a diamond, its work is unique and very pricey. The Thief has asked for a 50% cut and you're to handle selling this necklace. How would you go about selling it and avoid having this necklace possibly be recognized?

A nearby family business has just opened up, they have potential but lack enough riches for proper security. How would you go about extorting this business?


... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
MC Name: BLargtheAwesome
Why do you want to join?: It seems interesting, and I would not wish for it to die~
How will you provide the guild and the HW community with a great RP experience?: Just bein' my awesome self?
What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc): RP fights, obviously. In regards to what is most important, it depends on the RP. If it's a fight, you want to be the most detailed, yet quick-typer, you've ever been. If it's just a conversation, emote occasionally and keep in mind who your character is. Etc.
To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this?: Of course~

[Character Questions]
RP name: Nwalme Fuvur the Silvertooth
Biography: Signatur~
Personality: Horribly complicated, but it's safe to say his alignment is that of chaotic neutral~
Motives: Nwalme already has an absurd income, but he wants to explore the darker side of business. That, and he believes that this will be fun, if nothing else.
Aspirations: In the short term, he wishes to solve whatever problem he is presented with to reach his long-term goal. In the long term, his only real goal is to learn.... He may have others I don't realize he has, tbh. :p


Retired Staff
I'd apply, but one of my characters isn't stealthy in the least and really shouldn't be seeing doing this, and the other is much too unstable to be much good.


... is very scientifical.
Events Staff
Lore Staff
Oh, yes. Silly me.


Wait for a foreign merchant to come to town, or simply listen for sailors that would be able to afford a high enough price, and then sell it to them. Or just a traveler from another town, just any sort of rich foreigner would do.

Tbh, Nwalme could be any one of the three positions, and I'm fine with getting any of them.


Retired Staff
If you need a location for the guild, Lake Vera could be promising. It's near-impossible to reach without use of a port, and there's a standing ban on unconsented combat (as in RP fights between victim and attacker rather than two parties agreeing to a duel beforehand) which is reinforced by Vorar the Automaton. Good place to lay low.


Settling in Altera

MC Name: Alakabam

Why do you want to join? To add more Thief roleplaying scenarios to this server, and to keep the experience fresh and amazing while also developing my character in the way I want, while not being OP or Powergaming.

How will you provide the guild and the HW community with a great RP experience? Create enjoyable roleplaying scenes/scenarios where the ending is always different and anything can happen, keeping it enjoyable without powergaming is my goal, and has been my goal on many other Roleplay servers I have played on such as Lord of the craft.

What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) Roleplay fighting for sure, there is so much fun to be had while roleplaying fights, and the ending of the fights don't depend on who can click the fastest but who's character uses the best moves in the right way, those things you will never be able to recreate with Minecraft fighting so thats why I choose for Roleplay fighting above Minecraft fighting.

To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? I fully understand this.

[Character Questions]
RP name: Leana Bearclaw
Biography: Stranded on a beach, she found herself laying next to a washed up wooden boat. A note from her father was hidden inside a box her father had hidden in the boat, on the note was a goal she would have to achieve to become what her family had planned for her, "You need to become a villain, someone who has enough balls to kill a man without looking back. You must become like me, a pirate, a thief, a VILLAIN."
She slowly left the beach behind her and walked towards a small little town where she was welcomed by a person named Ced, she asked him the way and he lead her to Chrestshire, where she told some lies about her father and that she wanted to stay here for a while, in her mind she just needed a new place to get stuff from to continue her journey of becoming a thief, a villain, so while she is settled she is training on her swordsmanship and pick pocketing, now she is planning her next move.
Personality: Traitorous, full of lies, and can betray anyone for a big enough price.
Motives: Her Father was a pirate and she wants to grow into the family bussiness.
Aspirations: To grow into the role her father gave her while leaving her behind.

[Open Response. Answer only one depending on your preferred profession.]

You notice a woman in a thick crowd has a very unique and precious necklace adorning a diamond gem. By her side is a guard, obviously she is a merchants daughter or a noble. You've had a lacking day and as the sun goes down and the night draws in, you want to get that necklace. How would you go about stealing it?

Leana slowly pulls out the blow dart she wears on her belt and walks behind the guard to shoot him in the back with the dart, as the guard sinks down onto the ground she quickly grabs the woman and pulls her into the closest empty alley and demands the necklace from the woman as she pulls out her dagger and aims it at the woman's neck, as she extends the necklace to Leana she grabs it and quickly runs off leaving the woman behind her.


Magus of Nothing
MC Name: alexn27
Why do you want to join? My character enjoys these sorts of things.
How will you provide the guild and the HW community with a great RP experience? Well, I'll try and bring in money if you need it, and bring RP recognition to the Guild itself.
What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) Well, good grammar is always nice, aswell as a lack of arguments within the RP itself. I think every RPer should be treated fairly.
To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? Yes I do.

[Character Questions]
RP name: Fadast Clawheart
Personality: Cunning and wicked, Fadast hates nearly everyone, as a Greyling.
Motives: Money, it's all about the money.
Aspirations: To lead his Greyling tribe to greater things.

Thief Response:
Simply walk past the guard, dagger drawn and prick them both with a poisoned claw. Say it was an accident, move on. Keeping a close eye on them, wait until they fall unconscious due to this poison. If in a public area, move towards them and try to look as if you're helping while sneakily slipping the necklace into your pocket. If in a private area, simply pick the necklace off her neck. But a simple necklace is never enough, and your targets are unconscious. Search their bodies, finding everything of value, then walk off, pockets stuffed.


Settling in Altera
Accepted, add me on Skype and I'll PM you further details.


And yes, regular activity on Skype will be needed if you wish to join the guild, it helps maintain order and management of the guild and its members.


MC Name: rpick25
Why do you want to join? to experiance a great RP oportunity and to improve my own RP skills
How will you provide the guild and the HW community with a great RP experience? I would RP to the best I can and listen and learn, and bring FUN
What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) well it all depends on the situation, a good RP fight for a good RP, and at times if things brake down (riot or the like) a good old MC fight. Emotes play there part as required
To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this? yes

[Character Questions]
RP name: Salam
Biography: I havn't written a Bio yet as I am new to the sever but here is my Test, it covers the imidiate past
I feel the light hit my body and I relise I have a absolutely splitting headache. Hang on, why should I be feeling all of this if I was just killed, well shortly killed fighting a troop of The Corrupted on the edge of Tauredal. Thinking back the last thing I remember is that there was 10 of them charging though the middle of the line and then nothing. As I open my eyes it is clear that I am among the sisterhood at The Grove of Shalherana, some one must have brought me here after the fight.

As I slowly get up I see a couple of the sisters in the distance and a man not far from me.
"Excuse me good sir do you know how I would be able to get back to Tauredal from here", I ask.
"You will have to take the ferry to port silver, you don't hapen to have a pint with you by chance? No awell tell one of the dock side tavens to send a barrle back on the ferry for Fastidious Quinn".
"That I will good sir, if you don't mind I will be off, I must go reasure my parents that I am quite alright"

Now I am here at Port silver and have sent word to my parents I should like to see the world I think. After my training as an Engineer that should not be to hard, there looks to be plenty of building going on. As I walk off and see the sights of Port Silver looking for work it becomes clear to me that this is truly a city to behold, a city teaming with people and building jammed next to one another, it is certainly alot differnt to where I grow up in and among the trees of Tauredal.

Personality: Chaotic - neuteral
Motives: Salam is looking experiance the world outside of were he grow up, all aspects of it, espicialy were a profit can be made.
Aspirations: To one day own a house in Tauredal and to rise to a important standing in a house.

If I am acepted I will PM you my skype details


Sorry I forgot the example here it is

You notice a woman in a thick crowd has a very unique and precious necklace adorning a diamond gem. By her side is a guard, obviously she is a merchants daughter or a noble. You've had a lacking day and as the sun goes down and the night draws in, you want to get that necklace. How would you go about stealing it?

I would trip the guard with a stick or something smiler to hand as covertly as possible, preferably from behind, as the lady stops to assist or wait for her guard I would jump her and take the necklace and any other lose obvious sings of wealth. I would then run off into the crowd and make my escape


- MC Name: D47DR34M. Yes, I'm that 1337 guy.
- Why do you want to join?: I've found that, on my previous character, joining an RP organization truly enhances the general quality of RP by providing more people to do it with, as well as being an excellent opportunity to further character development. The Mockers Guild seems to be fairly well thought-out and organized, and my current character would, I assume, fit the role of the thief fine - I figured I may as well take a shot at joining.
- How will you provide the guild and the HW community with a great RP experience?: I'd consider myself to be decent at RP, and it's always good to have more available members willing to RP and help out. From my encounters before, both the one attempting thievery and the one being robbed can enjoy themselves, if it's made enjoyable for all included, instead of just the thief OP'ing or powergaming, which is something I strive not to do.
- What do you think are vital in RP?: I always think that good description of actions and emotes is great to see, and it really adds immersion, being capable of visualizing what's happening. I prefer balanced RP fights, and I always find myself asking friends if I'm being OP or acting more skilled than my character should be. I highly dislike OP fights, so a fair and enjoyable fight for those involved is always something I like to see, as well.
- To break the Guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the Guild, do you understand this?: I do understand this, yes.

[Character Questions]
- RP name: Daen Vyren.
- Biography: I don't currently have one typed up, a backstory that is, but I do have the majority of the character profile written, I'm just working on sorting out some things and polishing it up. I'm still experimenting with personalities, actually, since it's a fairly new character and I haven't found one that really suits him yet.
- Personality: ... Hm. Well, he's slightly... enigmatic. You can't always tell why he does something, or whether it's for his own benefit, or to help others. It can be difficult to determine who's side he's actually helping, at times. He acts fairly charming around women, and if need be, can use that to his advantage. An air of faint arrogance surrounds him, although he doesn't always openly display or say so. Sarcastic and 'clever' comments aren't uncommon, either.
- Motives: Of course he has his reasons for joining The Mockers Guild, but one of the biggest would be to help build funds for a city he plans to create, however the money would be raised more RP-wise, as I'm already working on gaining money OOCly.
- Aspirations: Daen also views this as a way to practice and further his training, as he's an agility-based character, with a light and slim build. Perhaps, although not openly revealing himself as a member of the guild to "outsiders", make something of himself through this.

[Open Response]
You notice a woman in a thick crowd has a very unique and precious necklace adorning a diamond gem. By her side is a guard, obviously she is a merchants daughter or a noble. You've had a lacking day and as the sun goes down and the night draws in, you want to get that necklace. How would you go about stealing it?

Daen would most likely offer to treat "my lady" and her guard to drinks at a place of their choosing. Should they accept, he would lead them to said place, and follow as planned. Assuming, for the sake of this response, the guard is sloppy at his job, once he begins growing more intoxicated and Daen has worked his "charm" on the woman for a fair amount of time, he would lead the guard outside, with the promise of "helping him release the contents of his stomach, it'll help him feel better."

... Well, with the cover of the darkness and the help of the guard being drunk, he'd be relatively easy to deal with. Kill? Perhaps not that far, unless needed. When the woman notices Daen return, lacking the guard, she'd question him what happened, to which she would receive the response of, "ah - no need to worry, he drank more than his stomach would care to hold." Slightly hesitant, with a hint of suspicion, the woman would then agree, settling back into her seat with her drink. Slipping his right arm around her shoulders, even if she were to shrug him off, it would provide him enough time to slide the necklace from around her neck.


I realized that this response might not be the greatest, as it heavily relies on a lot of ''what-ifs'': would the guard get drunk whilst protecting her, where'd they choose to go for drinks, would she notice him taking off her necklace? But, ah, if you'd like for me to change it I don't mind doing so.

Edit: Gah, Wark posted his application at the same time I was writing mine. I swear, I didn't copy anything from him! (As parts in our applications seem similar at times)