Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Redbaron


Name: Patrick Cosman
Alias: The Redbaron
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 155lbs
Hair: Smooth, straight brown hair
Skin: Moderately tanned with lines along the collar and sleeve ends of shirt
Identifying marks: Never healing broken nose
Appearance: Tattered clothes, with an old leather belt. Chiseled chin, hardened expression, after years of strife. A thin layer of dirt covers the body, giving the skin a darker, and more worn appearance. A strong aura is about him, inspiring all around to sit up straight and hold their heads high.
Strengths: Swordplay, survival, archery, an all around warrior that can be silent and stealthy when needed. Excellent at battle strategy.
Weaknesses and fears: Weak against wizards and mages. Fearful of change and black magic.
Religion: Follower of Harateth and Korog
Profession: Previously a hunter for the village he originated from, turned to smithing after a failed raid on a zombie camp resulting in severe bodily wounds. Currently a traveler who helps whoever seeks him out.
Backstory: Patrick Cosman was born in Galogulch from a humble family, but after a costly argument that later turned to a lawsuit the Cosman family quickly moved. The family leauged with other renegades from Galogulch to start a small colony to the west of the city, along the border of the ocean as to provide a source of food and income.
As a boy Patrick grew in the woods, ducking and weaving to chase a fleeing swine or cow, or to escape the horrors of the night after he hopped the town gate once curfew hour came around. He later took up hunting once he was old enough to be let out of the gate alone at night. The morning after he set out, he would often return with a sack of pork and beef, as well as gunpowder and strange pearls on occasion.
In the dead of the winter, two years before Patrick was formally recognized as an adult, there was a massive influx of Zombies and Skeletons. Knock Knock Knock "Patrick wake up! Patrick wake up right now!" Patrick stirred slightly in his warm, quilted bed. "Patrick! UP!" Mrs. Cosman burst into the room and violently shook him awake, "There's been a raid!" Patrick jumped out of bed and was across the room and into his closet in two strides. He stripped his quiver from the wall and slung it over his shoulder. "Who's attacking?"
"Not who, what"
"What," Patrick turned to his mother with a quizzical stare. He turned to his closet once again and strapped his sword sheath to his belt. "is attacking?"
Patrick's mother diddnt have a chance to answer, as a pair of hands broke through the window above his bed. Patrick's mother screamed as he quickly notched an arrow and let it fly straight into the undead beast. The monster recoiled and groaned with what could possible be identified as discomfort, or pain.
"Zombies?" he asked with absoloute shock. An arrow wizzed by and sank into the door of his closet. "Skeletons too?" he shouted. Patrick notched another arrow and let it fly out into the darkness through the broken glass. "Where is Avery? Is she safe?"
"Your sister is hiding in the armory. She is safe. I am going to join her because she is shaking with terror." His mother rushed out of the room and opened the small hatch leading to the armory in the floor. Patrick was across the small atrium in three strides. He drew a knife from the wall and strapped it to his worn, leather belt. Patrick pushed open the door and walked out with knife and sword in hand. He heard a moaning to his
The families split up, each returning to their respected cities, with heads hung low. The Cosman family returned to Galogulch and took up shop as farmers, and handymen. Once Patrick recovered he hung his bow and raised his pick, as he no longer had the drive, or need, to hunt. He turned to working at the local smith for a man known as Firebeard, a dwarf of unknown origins. For a good few long years the two men worked side by side, not asking each other more questions than did the iron shipment come in yet. But then one fateful day, the Cosman family received a note from the younger sister of Jonathan, reading
City in ruins, family all dead, I am only survivor of attack.
Currently traveling to the address this letter was sent to.
I do not know if you still reside there, Cosmans, but you are my best chance
The news was devastating that, the Hull family had gone up in smoke with only one sole survivor, but she was en route to the Cosmans, and that was enough for them to welcome her with open arms. Her story was tragic, and the result was even more. Sara did, however, have a description of one of the pillagers. He was described as a stout man, she was not sure of his race, eyes as cold as ice, and beard red as fire. He had a scar above his right eye, and walked with a limp. Patrick jumped from the table, drew his knife from his belt and burst through the door.
Down the street at the local smith, Dorin Firebeard watched as a young girl fell into the open arms of Mr. Cosman, sobbing and sniveling. Dorin made a hasty decision to pack his things quickly and set out for Port_Silver, where he could begin a new life, once again.​
Down the street Patrick sprinted, heading for a place he knew very well. Through the door he burst shouting, "Where are you hiding!" No response. He flew up the stairs and slammed the bedroom door open to find the bed stripped down, and the drawers all opened and emptied. As he exited the smith shop he swore to himself then and there, Dorin Firebeard would not make it to Port_Silver.​